Ch. 1

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TW: Sexual assault. Like, a lot of it.



That was what his life was like. Never changing, never evolving. It lacked life, color, purpose. Like a rock, sitting by the side of a river, too far away to touch the water, but too close to pretend it didn’t exist.

Virgil Pryder. That was the name associated with his face. Virgil Pryder, mysterious, quiet, beautiful. Adjectives he had heard mentioned with his name over the years. The one he thought was the most fitting, however, was isolated

"Virgil, darling."

He turned, seeing Ms. Herd, the woman whose bushes he was cutting, coming over to greet him. 

“Hello, how are you today?” He asked politely. She grinned at him, something foul in her eyes. 

“I’m doing good, dear, and how are you?” She pushed the sleeve of her sweater down a bit, exposing one of her shoulders. 

Virgil resisted the urge to scoff. Typical. 

“I’m doing good as well, I guess.” Virgil shrugged, looking away from her. “Just the bushes today? Not the grass?”

“Just the bushes.” She confirmed. “Take your time, I just love watching you work~” She purred, leaning a bit closer to him.

Virgil shuddered a bit, nodding. “Understood, ma’am.” He murmured, backing away from her.

Disgusting. She was just like everyone else. Just like his mother.

He began working on the bushes, letting his mind be consumed with dull thoughts.

Virgil Pryder was sixteen years old, went to Vine Academy, and was somehow the loneliest popular kid ever. He wasn’t an idiot, he heard the chatter in the halls, he read the school newspaper, he was aware of his status among his peers.

Untouchable. Elite. Envied.

It didn’t really feel that way.

Virgil was an orphan. It had been this way ever since his father died, and his mother abandoned him. He’s spent most of his life avoiding child protective services, making up lame excuses for his teachers, and keeping his distance from other people. 

Virgil Pryder, the hottest guy in school, orphan, and has never been in a relationship in his entire life.

A bracelet fell on the ground near his feet. He raised a brow, looking over at Ms. Herd.

She blinked innocently. “Oh dear, silly me. Do you mind picking that up for me, Virgil?” She smiled at him.

Virgil sighed, bending over to pick up the fallen bracelet.

He did his best to ignore the sound of a camera shutter. 

When he looked up, Ms. Herd was looking at her phone, a disgustingly pleased expression on her face. “Thank you, dear.” She looked at him, that smile still on her face.

Virgil silently handed her the bracelet, doing his best not to think about what she would do with that photo.

Virgil Pryder, sixteen, orphan, and sexually harassed almost every day.

It happened in the halls.

Some guy blocked Virgil’s path, smirking at him. Virgil frowned, trying to move past him, but the guy moved as well to continue blocking him. “Hey,” He said.

“I have class.” Virgil told him, furrowing his brow. 

“Class can wait,” The guy cooed, advancing towards him. Virgil backed up, his back colliding with the guy’s friend. 

His friend immediately squeezed Virgil’s ass with one hand, while the guy got so close, Virgil had to press a hand to his chest to hold him back. 

"What are you--?!"

“You’re so goddamn hot.” The first guy hissed, wrapping his arms around Virgil’s waist. 

Virgil scowled, before kneeing the guy in the dick. He immediately recoiled, groaning. “Don’t touch me.” Virgil growled, shoving the friend off of him and walking to class. 

In the classroom.

Virgil idly began to cut open his frog, focusing intently on what the teacher’s instructions were. 

A hand rested itself on his thigh, causing Virgil to freeze and look over at his deskmate

The girl giggled, pushing a piece of her hair back. “Sorry, my arm was getting tired.” She told him, her hand beginning to travel up his thigh. “You don’t mind, do you~?”

Her hand heading straight for his--

Virgil shoved her out of her chair and onto the floor, disgust causing his hands to shake. She looked at him in shock, eyes wide and confused.

“Mr. Pryder!” The teacher exclaimed, rushing to the girl’s side. “What is wrong with you?!” 

Even in public.


He turned, confused as to who could be trying to gain his attention inside a restaurant. 

It was some person he didn’t know, and they were looking at him with an expression that he had seen many times before. “Uh, can I help you?” 

The person sat down in the booth next to him, extending one hand towards him. “I’m Jaime.” They said. “I’m in your fifth period.” 

“Oh, cool.” Virgil nodded slowly. 

“You’re even prettier up close.” They told him quietly, moving one of their hands so they could brush a strand of his hair back. “It’s distracting.” 

Virgil felt chills go down his spine at the touch, resisting the urge to spit in their face.

Without warning, they moved their hand so that it was at the back of Virgil’s head, and slammed their lips together. Virgil released a muffled yelp as they pushed him further into the booth, trapping his arms between the table and the seat.

Virgil sighed at the memory.

Untouchable, they called him. What a joke.

A car pulled up to the house next to Ms. Herd’s. Virgil furrowed a brow in confusion. No one lived there, as far as he was aware. That house had been on sale for almost a year now.

A man stepped out of the car first, followed by two teenagers. 

"Isn't she beautiful?"

Virgil felt his breath stutter to a stop, eyes widening.

Red hair, styled to perfectly frame the tanned face. A button nose, plump lips, sharp jawline, toned arms, perfect teeth, curious expression, and finally…

Eyes. Those eyes were gorgeous. They were intoxicating. They were…



Look who was feeling particularly motivated! 😁👍

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