Chapter Nineteen: O Captain! My Captain!

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Picture is Aaron Taylor-Johnson (then Aaron Johnson) in Tom & Thomas.

Music is "I Need You" by M83 from the Divergent OST.

All rights go to their rightful owners.

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"O Captain! My Captain!" ~Walt Whitman

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"For the last time, Pietro Maximoff, you are not coming with me!"

Pietro and I have been arguing all the time while getting ready for training if he should join me my first day.

"You might get hurt," he says, brushing his teeth furiously and as quick as he can.

"And the Pope might slip on a banana peel and break his neck today, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. So can you, but I don't babysit you!"

"You are-"

"-What? Human? Not entirely true. Vunerable? Aren't we all!" I get into his face and glare at him. Why can't he just trust me and believe dust I am strong enough?

His face softens. "Valuable." He sighs. "I was going to say you are very valuable to me."

I blink several times then back down and step a couple paces away, ashamed. "Oh... I'm sorry. I'm just so wound up about the first day."

Pietro smiles and leans down to kiss me. "I know. It is alright." He backs me up against the bathroom wall and kisses me again. "But I am going with you." I try to protest, but he kisses me again. "No objections. Only for the first day."

I sigh, realizing there is no point to arguing with him. "Okay, but first day only."

He smiles from his win and kisses me again, placing his hands on my waist. "I love you, Glory."

"I love you, too, but if we're going to be on time at all-"

Before I can finish, Pietro changes from pajamas to his usual blue and black uniform for training. He then scoops me up in his strong arms, bridal style, and rushes us to the gymnasium.

Why does Tony have a gym in his basement? He's Tony freaking Stark. That's why.

When we arrive, Pietro places me down on the ground facing towards the north end of the gym. There are many pieces of equipment, but for the most part, it's cleared out in the middle. Steve must have something planned for today that requires an open space.

Speaking of the star spangled man, Steve walks into the gym right after we do, nodding a good morning to us.

"Morning, Cap," I say.

"Please, call me Steve," he says, smiling. "And good morning to you as well, Glory, Pietro."

"What is the plan for today?" Pietro asks.

"You're joining us?"

"I want to do the first day with Glory."

Steve nods. "Alright, suit yourself. Not like you'll be much use. Today I just want to get a handle on what she can do, and then we'll go from there tomorrow."

"Like, powers?" I ask.

"Yes, also agility, speed, strength, smarts, improvisation, maneuverability, flexibility, all the things you will need if you want to train. I want to see how well you do in each."

I nod. "What's first?"

"We'll start with speed. I've set up a course for you to run. I want to see if you can not only complete the course, but do it in a certain amount of time."

Age of Glory | Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now