Prologue: You Didn't See That Coming

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Picture is Wanda, Cint, Pietro by reducto1.

Music is Avengers: Age Of Ultron OST Theme.

All rights go to their rightful owners.

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"You didn't see that coming?" ~Pietro Maximoff

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"Dr. Cho, raise the electricity levels to compensate for the interference his powers are giving off. Get ready for the flux of energy from the arc reactor. Make sure the metal clamps hold him down. Maximoff, keep an eye on his brain activity. As soon as it's active the slightest bit, you're in. It's only been a day, so hopefully we can do this before he's too far gone."

Tony taps his fingers gently on the screen infront of him, reassuring himself through minor checks in the system that this will work. "Clint, make sure that no one interrupts us."

Clint nods once, standing right outside the door of the lab. "Anything to bring this kid back." He flips his bow from his back in one, quick movement, one he's practices with ease many times. He loads an arrow and glances around, his eyes daring anyone to come near.

The doors close, and the rumbling of the arc reactor begins. The heart and brain monitors come on. Wanda Maximoff's eyes glow bright red. Helen Cho places the safety goggles over her eyes and starts the sequence of long, evenly paced bursts of energy.

Quicksilver lays on his back, all color but white and ashen grey drained from his face. His skin is chalky, the color of his unruly hair. Death doesn't suit him, Wanda says to herself. He's always in such a hurry, always rushing around. No one moves fast enough for him.

This is the stillest she's ever seen him.

Pietro's body starts to vibrate, convulsing every once in a while. No signs of life show in him, or on the screens. "Tony!" Wanda yells in her strong, Sokovian accent.

"Hang on, hang on, hang onnn..." Tony mumbles, raising the levels of adrenaline entering Pietro's body. "Helen, what's his natural level of vibration? Is it any different?"

"He's vibrating faster than before," she answers. "It seems he vibrates twice as fast on a molecular level as normal people, even when dead."

"He won't be dead for much longer," Wanda growls, her eyes spiking even brighter red. "Keep trying, Tony."

"I'm giving her everything she's got, Captain," Tony replies. "Wanda, when I tell you to, enter his mind and jumpstart it."

"But you told me to wai-"

"Just do it!"

Wanda nods, preparing to enter her brother's mind. Tony adds more power the arc, causing the lights to shine brighter. The sound of vibrating objects screeching and crying in the lab hurt their ears. Quicksilver shivers and shakes from the power surrounding his body.

"Now, Wanda!"

The Scarlet Witch enters her brother's mind without ease. His mind is blocked by many walls. All his last thoughts come raging towards her. Seeing Clint hunched over a child, running towards him without thinking, shots entering his back. Wanda feels excruciating pain, just like Pietro did.

"You didn't see that coming?" His last words make her cringe. She felt this only once before in her life: when he died the first time. Clint and the child fade from his vision, and it goes black.

"Pietro," she whispers to him in Sokovian, "Pietro, come back. Dear brother, I need you."

His vitals come back on, only a moment passes before he flatlines again, but there's still brain activity. "Tony, more!"

"I'm trying! Dr. Banner is WAY more suited to this than I am." Tony's hands go wild, trying to keep his new found, new lost, friend alive for one more second so that Wanda can work her magic.

"Pietro!" Wanda yells, forcing will for him to live even harder to him. "Pietro, live!"

Just as he vibrates at the highest frequency, his body escapes into a bright light, disappearing from their world.

Wanda is in shock. His mind is ripped apart from hers like glue. She grabs her head in her hands, trying to contain a scream. "Tony, what the hell happened?"

Tony gazes at the empty spot where Pietro was. His eyes are empty; shock makes him stumble. "I-I don't know."


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