Chapter Four

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When you discover something, what is your reaction? Do you find yourself overcome with surprise, or shock? Do you feel immense joy and excitement? It's a feeling that differs from each person, although every person may feel proud of what they have found. Pride is something that most people hold, especially when having done something that is worth being proud of. Kumiko on the other hand, was not a person of pride. Instead she was one who cowered from what she discovered; wishing someone else had taken her place. Especially because she was sure that Sayako wanted to find it herself.

"Kumiko you found it!" Sayako squealed with delight, hugging her friend so tight that the raven haired girl let out a wheeze from shortage of breath. The brunette girl was so overcome with excitement, that she had completely forgotten how tired she was, jumping around like mad. Nowaki blinked before chuckling softly at her, followed by Seto and Yuki.

"Shall we go in...?" Nowaki asked, causing Sayako to literally freeze and think for a moment.

"...Yes!" Sayako said quickly, running over to the entrance of the cave, Kumiko being pulled along with her. Seto rolled his eyes and fished around in his back for his torch. Nowaki stepped over to the cave and pulled back the vines, allowing the two- Or just one- eager girls into the cave first.

"Woah it's dark... Creepy!" Sayako giggled, earning a smile from Kumiko in reply. Nowaki also found his torch and turned it on, looking around. The cave was quite small, causing the group to bend in order to fit in it properly. The rock shimmered like glitter, just like a fantasy movie.

"You sure you saw something, Kumiko?" Yuki asked carefully. The girl nodded to her friend.

"I-It looked like... like a really small dragon-" She was interrupted by Seto's eruption of laughter. Kumiko only blinked at him before just looking around again.

"A dragon?! You can't be serious!" Seto chuckled, wiping his teary eyes. This was priceless to him, a true comedy show.

"Hush! If you laugh any louder, you'll make the cave collapse or something!" Sayako hissed at him, "And I believe you Miyu, don't worry~"

Kumiko smiled at her, and the group continued to investigate the small cave. Nowaki soon gasped and felt the rock carefully, eyes wide with interest, "Guys! Look, there's a drawing on the cave!" Sayako wrestled with Yuki to get there first, giggling softly before standing by Nowaki's side.

"It looks just like the drawings from that thingy I found! Coincidence, Seto? I think not!" Sayako clapped excitedly, getting a groan of annoyance in response. The brunette stared at the picture before looking around, snatching Nowaki's torch from his hand and following more pictures along the wall. The teenage boy only blinked at the loss of torch in his hand before slowly following Sayako.

"They are all the way down this wall..." Yuki mused quietly, now completely stuck in and starting to get excited about their discovery, "This is so cool!"

"I told you!" Sayako grinned, following the pictures along the wall, before they started to group up and head downwards. All the sudden, there were no more pictures anymore, "Oh... There aren't anymore..."

"See? Someone could easily just be messing with us as a joke." Seto huffed, crossing his arms, "They probably heard us talking about it in school and just decided to play a prank."

"But that doesn't explain the creature that Kumiko saw..." Nowaki turned to Seto and waited for his answer. The slightly taller male only hummed once.

"She's tired from today's journey, she could have easily imagined it, and actually just saw a rabbit."

"But it's gone... It ran in here... Where could it have gone?" Sayako bit her lip and looked around before approaching Seto, "You just can't admit that I was right!"

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