Chapter Three

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For teenagers and children, time is a burden. When given a long amount of time, it can be slow and ultimately boring. But when given a short amount of time, it never seems enough, and therefore one feels as if they have wasted those precious minutes in their lives. If they are having fun however, no matter what amount of time they are given, it seems to fly by without a second thought. The same situation was happening to the familiar group of five. It had seemed like they had only just started to explore, before the time had gone from nine o'clock, to twelve! Hours had past and they hadn't realised it, so distracted that when looking at the time, all they could do was turn to each other with a confused expression.

"Can we please have lunch now? We've been walking for hours!" Yuki complained, sitting on a large uplifted root from a tree. Sayako looked around and sighed, reluctant to stop now when she felt so close to a breakthrough.

"Fine, we can have lunch now." She mumbled, sitting on the ground in a huff. Seto only rolled his eyes at the immature gesture, sitting next to Yuki with a satisfied smile to finally being off his feet.

"Don't look so glum Sayako, we need a break every now and then..." Nowaki ran a hand through his hair with a tired glance at the brunette girl, leaning against the trunk of the tree. Kumiko said nothing and simply sat down against the trunk of the tree, hitching her knees to her chest. She seemed completely unaffected by their long walk, as if they hadn't walked at all.

"I just feel like we're so close..." Sayako whined, looking around where she was sitting before giving a big dramatic huff of annoyance.

"Stop being so impatient. We've still got all say." Seto said sternly, before half of a sandwich was stuffed in his mouth, making him gasp a little. Yuki giggled at him before continuing to eat the other half. After a glare from the brunette girl, the group proceeded to eat quietly, enjoying the low sounds of birds and other animals. They had found quite the place to sit, since the branches created the perfect canopy from the sun, yet let in just enough breeze to keep them happy.

"Do you really think we're going to find it?" Yuki asked out of the blue, causing half of the group to jump with surprise.

"Of course we are going to find it! We just need to try harder!" Sayako grinned up at her friend, who replied with a small smile, but it was uncertain.

"It's just... It sounded so cool and all but... Seto's right, it really is impossible."

"See?" Seto glared at Sayako, who glared right back with just as much power.

"You can't seriously be saying this now,Yuki..." Nowaki groaned in annoyance, pushing himself off the tree and standing closer to the others.

"N-No!" She stuttered nervously, her eyes diverting from one friend to another, "I just don't want Sayako to be disappointed if we don't find it...!"

"Which we won't, because it is physically impossible." Seto added.

"Oh shut up, Seto!" Sayako growled, standing up with fists clenched, "Fine! If you two don't want to be a part of this, then go home! Anyone else want to drop out?!" She turned to Nowaki and Kumiko, who shook their heads quickly, looking rather scared of Sayako's angry moment, "Good! Then let's go!"

She lifted up her bag and pulled it onto her shoulders, and began to walk away. Kumiko quickly got up and ran after her, followed by Nowaki, who looked back at the couple before shrugging and turning back to the two best friends. Yuki frowned deeply, not intending to offend Sayako so much.

"Sayako wait...!" She made a move to get up, but was stopped by her boyfriend.

"Don't bother, Yuki. They are just being immature." He gazed at her, face emotionless. The mousy-brown haired girl only blinked at him before growling and yanking her arm away, standing up.

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