Rocking Rockets

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With the day having reset once again, Jojo's fingers were healed along with his other wounds.

Arriving in class, Jojo found everyone to be surprisingly quiet. And with the pressure exuding from Makoto, Jojo quickly pieced together that she had shown her dominance over everyone.

Jojo: Well, well... Look who's taken charge-

7NA 4: Take your seat and be silent-

Tenacious D: SKADOOSH!

Jojo's Stand grabbed 7NA 4 and lifted them away from him, letting Jojo sit on Makoto's desk.

Jojo: Automatic Colony Stand with personality... Oof! What a combo.

Makoto: Get your ass off my desk.

Jojo: Get your ass off that chair and take me to the council.

Makoto: Next recess. We barely have enough time.

Jojo:(sigh)... Fine.

He hops over to his seat, as Makoto tells Jojo something very important.

Makoto: We're going to be met with trouble after class.

(Ring, ring, ring)

Jojo: What are you talking about?

Makoto: The group chat for the class Reps was made an offer by the council.

Makoto: You for a chance to join.

Jojo: Group chat...?

Makoto: There's talk from Apollo, a rep, who says he will take you on.

Jojo: Hold on! Take a step back! You have a phone?!

Makoto:(holds out phone) Yeah...?

Jojo: Are you serious...? Call 911.

Makoto: Why- shit. You're right.

With this realization, Makoto called 911.

Phone: 91-(SHHHH)-ergency?

Taking the phone from Makoto, Jojo shouts.


(Beeep, beep, beep)

Jojo: Shit! It lost the signal...

Makoto: Try again.

Dialing again, Jojo finds the signal wasn't going through this time.

Jojo: Tch... It won't go through anymore...

Giving back her phone, Jojo looks around the class.

Jojo: Everyone who has a phone, lift it up right now or get wacked!

The class listens, lifting up their smartphones, flip phones

Makoto: 7 Nation Army, make the calls!

7NA: AY!

As 7NA tries to contact the outside world, Makoto was concerned over the fact the calls would only go through once before somehow getting blocked.

Jojo however was concerned about something entirely else.

Jojo:(mind) Is that a Nokia?! And flip phones... What's with the old-school phones?

(Opening theme)

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