33. Cozy movie dates

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Iiris' PoV

Slowly, Aleksi pulled away from me and just as slowly I opened my eyes to meet his blue ones. The kiss was unexpected but it was something I had missed since the last time.

"Sorry.. Too fast, I guess.. " Aleksi said with a shy smile on his lips.

"Don't apologize.. I think I can speak for both of us if I suggest we start over.. From the clean sheet, you know... Get to know each other and just take it slow.. " I never imagined to just come here and go straight to bed with him again. I needed some time to do that and I am sure so does Aleksi. No matter how much I missed him, the only right way to handle this was to give us time and let things go on naturally.

"That sounds actually a pretty good idea.. It all escalated way too fast last time and... You sure need time.. "

"Not only me.. I don't want us to rush, Aleksi. I care about you, I really do.. But I think we should just let things evolve slowly.. I just got back without telling you I'd be coming and I cannot ask you to get into a relationship with me just like that.. Especially not after I just left you like that.. And I need to find a place to live anyway.. And a job.."

"You can stay here.." Aleksi was ready to offer me the same room where I spent a few weeks but I was not ready for that. Of course I wanted to stay here and spend every second of the day with him, but this was the place where we needed to pull the breaks. I knew if I'd stay here things will go just as fast as they did last time and I did not want that.

"Thanks.. I knew you would say that.. But I think it's better if we.. Have our own place to be, first at least .. I think what I am trying to say is that.." It started to feel harder than it all sounded in my mind but I knew I had to say it out loud for the last time in my whole life. Not that I wanted to mention his name anymore, but I wanted Aleksi to really understand what I meant with all this step by step thing I was after.

"I guess I want to say that because the thing with Rauli got so toxic and cut me out of my life completely, then I would love it if we could just.. God this sounds so stupid.." I laughed nervously and looked at the floor. I felt like a teenager again and I was not sure if it was a good or a bad sign. It felt weird, but it might be just the needed feeling to confirm to me that I was doing the right thing.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Aleksi asked with the same shy smile still painted on his lips. This was what I loved about him - he seemed to understand me even when I struggled to find the right words. My heart made a few extra hard beats in my chest and for some reason I started to blush. I wanted to go on dates and live that period again where you are getting to know each other and falling in love. I wanted to relive the passionate good night kisses by the doorstep and prepare the cozy movie dates at home. I missed the feeling of excitement while waiting for your date to show up..

"I would love that.. "

Aleksi seemed to be more than pleased with the answer and instead of saying anything, he gently pecked my lips. This went way better than I thought even though for a moment I was sure that my chances with him were gone.

"Great.. Tomorrow?" Aleksi asked while still holding his hands on my shoulders. I would go on a date with him right now, but it would be against the decision of going slow.

"Tomorrow sounds good."

Before Aleksi could say or do anything else, I felt two soft paws leaning against my leg. I looked down and saw Rilla, holding a piece of clothing in between her teeth. Both me and Aleksi started to laugh when we realized that the thing Rilla was holding, was the shirt she refused to give me when I was packing.

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