9. A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Aleksi's PoV

Just when I thought that my mind wouldn't get any messier, the situation with Iiris happened and I was still having weird dreams about Robyn. How do I clear my mind from this? Some days are easier to deal with, mostly the ones when Robyn is not around. But as soon as she is at the studio then I'm drowning myself with the memories again. We are both working hard to let go of what we had, but it still hurts and I'm not even sure if I'm ready to feel that kind of love, ever. She, of course, has moved on and I was happy for them. I was the one being stuck and afraid of moving on even though I had no idea why I was so scared to fall for anyone. And now there was Iiris and I was worried because I still had no clue who that man was, why he acted the way he did and if she was ok.

"Still daydreaming about that mystery girl of yours?" Olli poked me on my side. I snapped back to the current and sighed. The Iiris topic has been on a plate the whole week since I told the guys about her and now I get to hear about it every day. It was getting annoying mostly because they all thought that I had a massive crush on her, which of course was not even true. I didn't even know her that much that I could develop any feelings towards her, or even hit on her just based on that one random night. I wasn't that type of guy. Her looks were just not enough. I needed to know the person inside out before I could feel anything deeper.

"I'm not dreaming of anybody... I just want to know that she is ok.. That's all.. " I said and spinned the empty coke bottle on the table until it fell on the floor. I reached to get it and continued spinning it like it would somehow magically solve this thing. Maybe a genie was trapped in this empty bottle and if I spun it hard enough it would come out and I'd get my three wishes. That of course won't happen because this was just a regular coke bottle and as long as I knew, genies are not even real.

"Are you crushing on her?" Olli teased and took the bottle away from me after what it flew into the bin along with my three wishes I was hoping to get.

"What? No.. I barely even know her." I reached for my phone to check if there was anything from her, but no. Nothing. With a deep sigh, I put the phone back into my pocket and stood up to go get something to drink. Crushing on someone was the last thing I had in my mind in this situation and it would even feel so wrong. I felt like I had witnessed a crime and there was nothing I could do to solve it. All I could do now was to wait for the girls to come over to the studio and tell what they saw, if they even saw anything. Robyn had texted me last night that Iiris was working, but that was all. She wanted to tell it in person. Maybe it was her way to try to fix the communication between us. Either way they were running late. They were supposed to come around one but it was already half past one and they were nowhere to be seen and my patience was getting on its limit. It was not as bad as Joel's but right now all I wanted were some updates because they would give me some kind of guidance in which direction to go. If there was anywhere to go. Maybe I was meant to be stuck.

"I think you are having a crush on her. " Olli kept on laughing and grabbed his bass. My eyes took a huge roll around my head and I closed the fridge.

"No I am not. I just.. What I saw felt weird and I just need to know she is fine, that's all... " I tried to stay calm. I wanted to go home that night but when she offered the beer, I was just being polite. Neither of us probably imagined that the evening would take that kind of turn it took. At least I did not. I did not even think I'd see that girl ever again but now she was there and it kept on bugging me. Before Olli got to say another word, the door opened and Robyn, Joel, Niko, Miryam, Joonas and Pauline walked in.

"Finally.. Little man here has been having ants in his pants while waiting for you guys..." Olli didn't seem to know when to stop so I counted three in my mind in order to keep my mouth shut. I really did not want to say anything I'd regret later. We had had enough drama going on because of me and Robyn, so I did my best to avoid creating new ones.

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