chapter twenty-eight.

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As the car sunk into the river, water pouring into the car, (Y/n) was thrown into the backseats. Dazai held onto her, using his own body as a shield of sorts as the car thrashed around against the water – sinking deeper and deeper.

"Are you okay?" Dazai asked, pressing his hands against her cheeks as he appeared to check her even more than before.

"I'm fine. We need to get out of here now."

She pushed herself off of him, pressing her hands against the window. She tried rolling it down, only to find that they were unable to. She turned towards Kunikida, who had a thin stream of blood rolling down the side of his face.

She scooped up a handful of water in her hand and threw it against his face. The cold splash appeared to wake him up, causing him to jolt awake. She was surprised that the elevating level of cold water already inside the vehicle wasn't the thing that woke him up.

"What happened?" Kunikida asked, pressing his hands against the door. He watched as the car became fully submerged into the water.

"Those two dumbasses happened," (Y/n) snapped, beginning to pound against the window. She tried the door, finding that it too was somehow damaged in the hit. "Try your doors!"

Dazai and Kunikida tried the doors closest to them, finding that they too were unable to open them. The wrecking ball did even more damage that she originally thought. (Y/n) slapped her hand against the window, her hands splashing against the water as she brought it down. They were running out of time – fast.

"Take a breath!" she exclaimed and they all did. The water completely filled up the car, forcing the trio to hold their breath.

(Y/n) went over to Dazai's door, punching against the window to no avail. She turned back towards Kunikida, who was struggling to get his seatbelt unbuckled. She closed her eyes, focusing on the coldness around her – how it moved, how it felt. She could feel her arms and legs getting covered in the markings, though she struggled to keep them up.

Eventually, she opened her eyes, realizing that the markings had not appeared. She began to grow desperate, slamming her feet against the window. It cracked slightly against her force but it wasn't even close to what they needed to free themselves.

(Y/n) felt herself getting tired. The water just seemed to get colder and heavier. Her eyes fluttered and began to close. She slowly turned towards Dazai, who was much further along than she was. His eyes were closed and he was almost completely limp in the water.

She turned towards Kunikida, whose jerking movements towards the seatbelt grew weaker. She couldn't tell if he was getting tired or giving up. She knew that they couldn't do the latter.

She turned towards her door, holding her hands towards it. Slowly but surely, the markings began to appear. The water around her hands began to circle around her fingertips. With a push towards the door, it sent all of the water out of the car and towards the surface in a huge ball of power.

(Y/n) fell against the car seat, grasping her chest as she gasped for air. Kunikida did the same, finally able to unbuckle himself. He turned around and breathily asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she replied with a nod. The markings faded as she began to relax. She turned to Dazai, crawling over to him as he remained limp against the soaking seat.

She put her hand against his cheek, the other rested on his chest. She wasn't sure what to do – she wasn't even sure she could handle another scare. "Osamu?" Tears began forming in her eyes. "Osamu?!"

He suddenly coughed up a small amount of water, taking in a deep breath once he realized that they were no longer submerged in the water.

He looked up to (Y/n), a small smile crossing his lips. "Did you think you were going to get rid of me that easily?"

the beauty of water: resurfaced | o. dazai ✔Where stories live. Discover now