chapter sixteen.

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(Y/n) threw her hair tie on the nightstand, kicking off her slippers before she slipped into bed next to Dazai. He'd already changed as well, lying in bed as he waited for her to return from the bathroom.

"I found Kunikida's reasoning for having me go with Junichiro to do errands a little... poorly worded," he said as she pulled the covers down, readjusting her pillows before she got in herself.

"Interesting observation, Osamu," she replied, unsure how else to answer. "What made you think about that?"

"I couldn't help but wonder what you two did while we were out." She slipped into bed next to him, prompting him to wrap his arm around her. He held her close as he continued, "If I weren't such an understanding partner, I'd think that he was trying to begin an affair between the two of you."

(Y/n) snorted at the statement. "Please, Osamu. I know that you're joking but that is utterly ridiculous." There was a small part of her that disagreed with that statement. Maybe it wasn't so utterly ridiculous – maybe there was still a part of Kunikida that had feelings for her.

"Okay, then what did you do while we were out?"

(Y/n) told him the truth. She told him how he'd brought up the first case they worked on together to whether or not she knew that Dazai had been a part of the Port Mafia before joining the Armed Detective Agency. She hesitated in telling him about Kunikida's question as to whether she regretted getting together with him or not. She decided to tell him, pledging to herself not to hold anything back from Dazai anymore. In the past, holding back the full truth never played out well.

"Oh," Dazai simply said after she finished telling him what had occurred that day. "I must say, I'm a little surprised Kunikida would ask such a bold question."

"Believe me, I was surprised too – and quite angry as well." (Y/n) shook her head, pushing a piece of hair that had fallen on her face out of the way as well. "I'm appalled that he thought that was an appropriate question to ask."

"Kunikida has been full of surprises lately." Dazai used his free hand to rub his chin. "What do you think prompted Kunikida to ask such a bold question?"

"I'm not totally sure." This is where (Y/n) decided that maybe holding back a little was okay.

She could've told Dazai, "I think Kunikida still has feelings for me. Why else would he ask a question like that?" But she didn't. What if she was wrong? What if Kunikida truly thought that question was appropriate to ask just to fill the silence? It would be horrid if a fight broke out between Dazai and Kunikida, or her and Kunikida, and things became even worse than they already were. It just wasn't a chance (Y/n) wasn't willing to take.

Even if she knew deep down that her intuition was spot on.

"Let's not think about it tonight anymore." Dazai leaned back, prompting (Y/n) to reach over to turn off her lamp. "I may go out to the pier to check it out and confirm whether it's truly where we want to get married."

She stopped before she could turn out the light, quickly adding, "Wait a couple days to do so. I don't want to have the chance of being left alone with Kunikida again. I know it's not ideal under the circumstances. I just don't feel comfortable with the idea of having more questions like that asked if we're alone together."

"Do you need me to talk to Kunikida? If you're not okay with this—"

"No!" She was a little too aggressive at first, causing Dazai to jump slightly. She took a breath and tried again, "No, please don't do that. It's very sweet of you to offer, but that's just not necessary right now."

"If he does it again, then we are going to have a talk."

(Y/n) felt her lips curl into a smile. She leaned over to him, pressing a quick kiss on his lips. "My hero."

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