chapter six.

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The police arrived first, taking away (Y/n)'s trio of attackers.

She knew they'd need medical attention, bruises and blood stains forming all over them. Something that bothered her about when they were taken into custody were their expressions – they didn't look defeated or angry, not even sad. They looked... relieved.

(Y/n) pulled the blanket she'd been given by the officers tighter over herself, tucking her feet underneath her as she sat on one of the couches in the shop. The paramedic tended to her the second they arrived, bandaging her wound and confirming she didn't have any injuries worth taking a trip to the hospital for (though Yosano could've told her that if she weren't taking care of the attackers).

Hinami finished asking the police some questions, sitting on the couch next to (Y/n). She wrapped her arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders, rubbing her arm.

"Are you sure you don't want to go get your neck checked out at the hospital?" Hinami asked, her eyes filled with concern. "That mark looks like it hurts."

"It does," (Y/n) replied, her voice gravely and quiet. Her throat stung with every word that came out, every breath she took in. It felt like water was poured down her throat and icicles formed as she swallowed.

"Well Ranpo said that he called Kunikida and told him to get over here."

"What about Osamu?"

"When he told them to get over here, Kunikida said that Dazai wandered elsewhere to go pick up something from a friend or whatever." Hinami squeezed (Y/n)'s arm before rubbing it again. "Don't worry, I'm sure he's on his way over now."

(Y/n) nodded silently, leaning over and resting her head on Hinami's shoulder. While waiting for Kunikida and/or Dazai to arrive, she replayed the fight in her head. There was no way some outside group knew that she'd be there, not unless they were peering into her personal life and plans. Even then, only a couple people knew that she'd be trying on dresses at that specific shop.

On top of that, her attackers were just kids – definitely younger than Atsushi and at most his age. They were covered in dirt and smelled of sweat and... fish? Those kids definitely didn't look like they were camping out with a bunch of fish, they also didn't seem to want to hurt her but they still did that anyway.

Then there was what the final attacker responded with after she asked him who they were all working for: "She's just going to be happy that you're finally gone!"

There was only one person who wanted (Y/n) dead that she could think of (or know about) – and Aimi Davidson/Fujinuma was in prison for killing her.

(Y/n) was pulled from her thoughts as she heard a familiar voice come from the front doors, which were propped open with police officers traversing in and out of the shop. "Excuse me, I need to get in there—"

She turned back, her eyes widening as she thought, Kunikida?

Kunikida practically ran over, stopping in front of (Y/n) as he said, "I got here as fast as I could." He knelt down in front of (Y/n). "Are you alright?"

(Y/n) opened her mouth to speak, the sharp cold air smashing against her throat and causing her to couch – which was even more painful. Hinami patted her back, taking over and replied, "Those little hooligans tried to strangle her with a cord and stab her – what do you think?"

Kunikida looked from Hinami back to (Y/n). She confirmed the answer with a nod, lifting her head up to reveal the bandages wrapped around her neck.

He let out a breath, tilting his head slightly as he saw the wound. He turned back to Hinami as he asked, "Did they I.D. her attackers? Or did they tell you anything at all?"

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