chapter seven.

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(Y/n) sat on the cot, pillow on her lap, as she admired the ring. She kept rotating her hand, watching as the diamond in it would glisten under the fluorescents in her and Dazai's place. It really was a beautiful ring – not only that, but it just made her more excited for what it meant for her and Dazai's future together.

Dazai came out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him as he said, "I don't think we've had this many eventful happenings with you for a while." He let out a sigh. "We were doing so well, too."

"That's for sure," she scoffed, letting her hand fall onto the pillow.

He ran a hand through his hair, his fingers just making more of a mess of what's already there. "Tell me again what those kids said while they were attacking you." He sat on the end of the cot across from her.

"Okay, yeah. It was only the third kid who actually said anything and only because I was actually able to ask him something," she explained. "I asked who they were working for and he responded asking why I cared. Then he followed up with, 'It's not like it'll matter anyway! She's just going to be happy that you're finally gone!'"

"Hm." Dazai rubbed his chin, his pajama sleeve falling down to reveal his bandages. "That's an interesting response."

"You don't think that they're talking about Aimi Davidson, Zack Fujinuma's sister, right?" She gripped the pillow as she heard herself ask that dreadful question.

He shook his head. "I doubt it. The police haven't contacted us saying that she's escaped or anything. On top of that, they've made sure that she has no way of contacting anyone outside the jail under no circumstance. They've made any contacts she's needed for her, including her husband. And regarding him, last we checked he was still in America."

"Okay so is it possible that another person wants me dead." She pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. "I swear, I don't know how I keep making these enemies."

"When you're a good person, people can get very intimidated." He reached over, taking her other hand. "Some people get so intimidated that they become frustrated and angry, and that anger can turn into something very unpleasant."

"You're telling this to the person who has died and come back to life."

"Then this should make even more sense." He squeezed her hand. "(Y/n), do you remember anything from last night? Before you woke up in Dr. Yosano's office, I mean."

(Y/n) thought for a moment. "Bits and pieces are coming back from the night. I remember getting a phone call before we got really intimate, which was the best one yet, I might add."

"Oh, you liked that one?" He scooched closer, his fingers intertwining with hers. "The next time we get to that point, I'll make sure to keep that in mind."

A smirk crossed her lips. "I'd like that a lot. But," she leaned back, "that's not what we're supposed to be talking about right now."

"Of course – you just know how to distract me so well."

"I know I do." She pressed her hand against the pillow, pinching the fabric between her fingertips as she tried to remember the previous night. "I remember I got my phone again after remembering about the call later in the night. I got up and went outside to... to..." She rubbed her head. "I can't remember. I'm sorry, Osamu, I just can't remember what happened out there."

"That's okay. Do you remember anything else besides what happened out there?"

"I remember stumbling back inside and then waking up in Dr. Yosano's office." She shook her head and responded with a shrug, "That's it. I can't remember anything else."

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