Chapter 3: Ravens pov

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When I was 14 I was bullied so bad to the point I moved schools which was a good and bad Idea the way. When I did I met a girl named Alyssa and her sister rose they always protected me from bullies at school. One day they were protecting one of the bullies shoting them both, Alyssa says "I love you Raven in sorry we couldn't protect you but your strong live a long life" and rose says "I'm sorry i cant be the best friend for you but live on for us both good.. Bye..." I started to cry but then they shot me by the time I fully died 30 minute after they died.. I felt so so guilty. When I went to heaven I saw them and felt so guilty but I went hell and saw my bullies. I went back to the the gates and found Lily I realised I agreed with her. I listened then agreed we then started what we call fallen angels we made what kids think and what people think.

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