Out Of The Past

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Korra's point of view:

I was now inside an unknown building, being dragged by Tarrlok using Blood-bending to levitate me into a basement of sorts.

Korra: "What are you doing?"

He released his grip on me, causing me to land inside a metal box and slammed the door shut on me and I yelled at him.

Korra: "Tarrlok!"

I started pounding on the door as I heard Tarrlok walking up the stairs.

Korra: "You can't keep me in here forever!"

I just need to find a way to get out of here before things get much worse. I hope Tenzin and everyone else is okay.

Tenzin's point of view:

I was asleep in Air Temple Island with Pema and Meelo next to me until I felt someone step on my face and yell.

Meelo: "Who is this? It's six in the morning! This better be important!"

I sat up and took the phone from him and said.

Tenzin: "Councilman Tenzin here."

They told me the news which shocked me and I yelled!

Tenzin: "What?!"

I arrived at the city hall to see a photographer was taking pictures of the damages and I noticed an electrified glove and several Equalists weapons. I made my way to Tarrlok who was getting his ark healed by a medic and asked him.

Tenzin: "What was Korra doing at City Hall?"

Tarrlok: "As I told Chief Saikhan."

He stood up and rolled his sleeves down and continued to explain.

Tarrlok: "Korra came to my office late last night. She was upset that I arrested her friends. She asked me to release them and. That's when the Equalists attacked. I tried to protect Korra, but we were outnumbered then I was electrocuted. When I came to, the police had arrived. But Korra was gone. I'm so sorry."

He bowed then went Chief Saikhan and told him.

Tarrlok: "Chief Saikhan, mobilize the entire police force. We have to find the Avatar."

I was a bit suspicious about his explanation, but I decided to keep that in the back of my mind till then and made my way to my office.

Lin's point of view:

I was in the hospital bed after the attack against Hiroshi then I heard the radio start to say.

Radio: "We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you this special report. Late last night, Equalists attacked City Hall."

I started to sit upright and began tuning the radio to listen more closely.

Radio: "Subduing Councilman Tarrlok and capturing Avatar Korra. Details are still coming in, b."

I turn the radio off and get slowly out of bed then I hold my arm in pain due to the injury I sustained. I went to the cupboard and opened it to see my metalbending Police uniform arranged inside then I metalbended my uniform onto my body. I glanced down at the police insignia on my chest and tore it off, before putting on a long coat and break the kids out of jail.

Asami's point of view:

I was lying on my back on a cot in my cell then I sat up and saw Lin metal bends the door off its hinges and toss it away.

Lin: "Hope you got enough beauty rest. Come on, I'm busting you out."

Asami: "Thanks. I owe you."

We went to Mako and Bolin's cell and she metelbent the door out of its hinges and I saw Mako and Bolin, who I assume was trying to pee.

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