When Extremes Meet

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Kiro's point of view:

I was roaming around the desert, I don't know what my master is up to back in Republic City, I put my hand up to my head because of the boiling sun then I found a cabinet, so I decided to go there to seek shelter. I had to unmask myself and put it in my pocket so no one would recognize me as the Dark Warrior, I went inside and was met with a few stares, but it didn't bother me that much. I sat down in my seat and just asked for water.

'It's been years since I left home, I still remember how helpless I felt that day, I couldn't do anything at all and I was ashamed of it, so I honed both my bending and physical skills till perfection, only issue was the poison in my body which decreased my lifespan every time I used my bending. Now I'm down to my last thirty years.'

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by some moron who asked me.

???: "Nice sword you got there?"

Kiro: "Thanks."

???: "You wouldn't mind, you know, selling it for me."

Kiro: "Not for sale."

???: "Everything's got a price, buddy."

Kiro: "Not this one."

The Waiter then got my water and placed it on my table and I started to drink it while the Moron was still staring at me. I finished drinking my water and placed it on the table and got up from my seat and wanted to leave the place, but the guy then grabbed my arm and yelled.

???: "Hey! I'm not done talking!"

Kiro: "I think we are."

I grabbed his arm and twisted it then slammed him to the table I was sitting on and everyone was looking at me. I went into my pocket and grabbed two gold coins and threw it on the unconscious body and told the waiter.

Kiro: "Keep the change."

I walked away from the shop and continued roaming around the desert until I saw a messenger eagle flying towards me and it had a letter on its toes, so I took it out and read the letter and said to myself while the Eagle fly away.

Kiro: "So the Avatar is finally in Republic City after all this time, Master's plan is finally coming to fruition."

I got my mask out of my pocket, masked myself, and now was making my way back home, to Republic City.

Korra's point of view:

It was now late at night in Air temple island, everyone was asleep and I couldn't help, but feel bad for Asami, I just wanted to do the right thing, but now Asami's father is in jail because of me.

'I don't know what to do.'

It was raining hard and lightning struck the area then closed my eyes due to the intense light then when I started to open them, I noticed a shadowy figure standing in front of me. I prepared to fight them, but he grabbed me by the throat and said to me.

???: "Relax. I just want to talk, Avatar."

He let go of me and I asked him.

Korra: "Who are you."

???: "You'll find out eventually. So you must be the reincarnation of Avatar Aang, correct?"

Korra: "What do you want?"

???: "Just delivering a warning, do not get involved in what is about to happen to Republic City, it doesn't concern you. So the best course for you and your friends is to sit this out."

Korra: "You're with the Equalists aren't you."

???: "What if I was, Avatar, stay out of the way."

Korra: "We'll see about that."

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