30. Ship in a Bottle

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"And beat the shit out of Belos." Hunter took my face in his hands and brought his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. When we pulled away for air I felt my face grew red. "Yeah. Let's go kick Belo's ass." I smiled again.

-Ship in a Bottle-

S/N means Staff Name

~ I feel scared and I'm starting to sink and I only sink deeper the deeper I think ~

I patted his chest and I turned to look at Luz. I looked at Hunter again and he had some sort of pink strings tied on his arms. "Hunter!" I took his hands into mine. "Wait! Don't leave me!" I shouted as I tried to pull him closer. The strings started to pull him away. I heard the screams around me as everyone got pulled away into the sky. "Y/n, it's okay, let go."

I noticed his hands weren't holding mine, he was just waiting for me to let go. I squeezed them one last time before the strings finally pulled him away from my grip. I tried to look around me but I got blinded by some type of light.

"You have to wake up!"

I gasped as I woke up. "Am I... Home?" I mumbled as I looked at my room. I heard Steven Universe playing in the background but I wasn't paying attention. I looked in my bathroom mirror and noticed I was in a casual graphic t-shirt and ripped jeans. My palisman was on my shoulder. "Huh..." I said to myself before I heard a crash. I jumped but quickly went downstairs. I looked at where the sound came from and Hunter was in the kitchen. My anxiousness left and I sighed.

"Hunter, you scared me." I smiled and I touched Hunter's shoulder. "What happened? Are you okay?" I asked as I looked around to find whatever broke. "Get off me." He demanded. I hesitantly took my hand off him. "Are you okay?" I asked him softly. "Do I look okay to you, Y/n?" He glared at me and I noticed his eyes were more somber.

"I was supposed to follow orders, I was supposed to be an obedient servant, do you understand what happened because I decided to like someone like you?" He continued to glare at me with his piercing dim eyes. I backed away and I swallowed nervously. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Are you just that stupid that I need to spell it out for you?" He raised his voice slightly. "You ruined my life! My best friend is gone and this would have never happened if I didn't meet you!" He charged at me and I dodged him swiftly.

"Hunter! What are you doing?" I backed away from him and I noticed the exit. "I'm sorry Hunter... I need to go!" I said before I started to run out of the house. I saw Hunter's yellow light and I slammed the door before he teleported close to me.

I turned around and I noticed I was at school. "What the hell?" I mumbled. I held my palisman close as I walked around. I opened the library and I noticed some kids running away. "Wait, come back!" I pleaded after I sprinted after them. I noticed a few hidden in the corner and I slowed down. "Hey! I'm not here to hurt you." I crouched down to the scared kids' height. "No! You started the Day of Unity! You are going to hurt us!" The child cried. My breathing hitched.

"No... I didn't mean to. I promise I'm good." I went to touch the top of his head and he turned into a doll. I gasped as I held my hands by my chest. The kids screamed and ran away. "No! I can fix this! I can help you." I tried touching him again but it didn't work. He still was a doll. I picked up the child but then, he suddenly disappeared. I looked to the side and I saw Willow.

In the Middle of the Night (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now