12. Light Switch

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Hunter's Pov:

I gave in and I laid down while hugging her back tightly. "I guess I can stay a little longer." I smiled. I mean I'll just leave at around 4 so I can be there bright and early. She rested her head on my chest. I heard her softly snoring and I started to play with her hair. I felt like I was about to go to sleep as my eyes slowly closed.

-Light Switch-

~Why you always wanna act like lovers? But you never wanna be each others~

Y/n's Pov:
I was making dinner when Luz pointed her square thing at me. "And this Mom is Y/n! She's like a big sister to me and she always cooks the best meals!" She explained. "Oh, hi, Ms. Noceda! We are taking good care of your daughter." I smiled at Luz and her device. Hooty came wiggling at Luz and I stopped him with a spin of my finger. She put her phone down and gave me a huge smile. I wanted to ask her how her mom was going to get these since the suitcase was gone. I smiled back and I teleported to Boneborough using my staff.


I was out in Bonesborough waiting for everyone to show up. I walked into a library while making sure I had (P/N) in my satchel. They were sleeping quietly and I smiled. I assumed they were doing a thing for the Emperor's Coven because there was a booth with Emperor merchandise. "Hey, where's Lilith?" I asked them knowing the answer. "Oh, she isn't here. The Golden Guard is in charge now." They told me. "Where is he?" I questioned the guard. "He isn't here. He is on a mission." They reported. "Hmm." I walked back outside.

I saw a huge bag on the weight next to a shop. I saw my mom talking to the store clerk and I run over to them."A single snail? Are you kidding me?!" Mom shouted. "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't done yet." The demon broke it in half. "You can't do this to me. Do you know who I am?" She asked. "Yeah, you're Eda the Owl Lady. What are you gonna do? We all know you're powerless now."  He looked unfazed. She growled as she made a spell ring. She tried activating it but it didn't work.

"Well, you do know I was raised by the most powerful witch, and trust me, I can be mean. I will put you in hell, personally." I threatened him. "Okay, kid. Talk to me when you do." He shut his shop. I made a spell ring and I lit his tent on fire. "I don't need your pity! I was the most wanted criminal for years, you should fear me!" I turned around to see my mom holding her poster. A guy took it from her and shredded the paper.

Everyone started to walk away and I roll my eyes. Lily walked over to us. "Don't worry, sister. At least my image still commands respect and fear." She imitated a similar pose on the poster. The poster got attacked by a flamethrower. Poor Lily. King laughed. "You're a traitor!" King reminded her. Lilith marched over to the worker. "What's going on? This is anarchy. Who told you to do this?" Lily asked.

Updated posters flew onto the wall. It was Hunter in his golden guard uniform with his arms crossed. I took one off and folded it nicely. I slipped it into my bag and Luz noticed the posters. She took one off to analyze it. "The Golden Gaurd? Did you know him in the Coven, Lilith?" Luz asked. "Unfortunately, I did." Lilith took the poster out of her hand.

"He always got special treatment because he was the genius teen prodigy. But he's really just a brat." She crumpled up the advertisement. "If he's in charge, vomit." She threw it at the trash but it just came back and landed on her face. She tried taking it off but it looked glued on. She soon gave up and walked away. Luz pulled me and mom into her grasp. "Hey, I know! What we need is a confidence boost! Why don't we take on the biggest bounty we can find? It'll be great." She ran over to the wanted posters.

In the Middle of the Night (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now