Game of Roulette

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Tonight is a big night at the PYNK and a good opportunity to bring in boat loads of money. Lil Murda to show face in the house tonight, as I promised a couple of people.

"One of the girl's costume popped, we might have to sit her ass out for tonight if we can't find a replacement." Uncle Clifford came through my office doors holding up the torn costume.

Luckily like the great boss that I am, even when my girl's are not on their shit or being upfront with me I catch everything and resolve it.

"It's Keyshawn don't tell anybody else. I'm sure she just wants to keep this on the low but she's pregnant. I sized her just a few weeks ago for that costume and I can see with my own two eyes the physical differences in her appearance." I stood up to retrieve the replacement of her costume for the night.

I implemented a very strict rule at the PYNK when it comes to pregnancy. Not that a pregnant stripper isn't allowed to work in my building but in the case of medical emergencies I find it very important to know when one of my employees are expecting.

He sighed in relief and took it from me. "You be on it bitch, know that's right. I'm going to finish getting Keyshawn and- Oop- let you row down pussy valley." He said in a joking voice as Mercedes entered my office.

My mouth dampened while I took in her wardrobe, kitty costumes could never go wrong. All of my attention averted to her as I hooked my hands around her hips.

Our lips collided and my hands traveled further down until they rested underneath her ass. She pulled away before we got too deep into anything.

"What I tell you about trying to fuck me in here?" She snapped, she really had an attitude too I could see it on her face.

"Shut that shit upp. I'm getting some in here it might not be today or tomorrow but watch." I winked wrapped my arms back around her waist.

"Lay dick one time and think you-." I cut her off immediately with a funny rebuttal.

"Daddy long leg, yes I am." I smiled.

I knew she came in here to ask me something, I could see it on her face. "Are we going to have any problems tonight?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

Roulette and I had a meeting just two days ago about how we could be cordial enough to continue working together. I let her know if we couldn't keep the shit that happened outside of the work place outside then I would let her go. So far tonight has been peaceful, she hasn't even made eye contact with me which is a good thing.

"Don't worry about her I want you to go out there and do your shit tonight we have some important people here." She had me leaned up against my desk at this point while she stood in between my legs.

"I love it when you talk like that." She flirted pulling on my mink coat.

"I love it when you dress up for me." I twirled her around in a quick 360 and smacked her ass in the process.

"I'm for real Megan, I don't want to have to beat her ass tonight if she can't get in line." She walked over to the full body mirror to examine herself and I followed behind her.

"She'll have to get through me first and it's going to cost her, her job." I placed a small kiss on her neck.

She looked at me through the mirror with raised eyebrows. "Don't tell me this pussy got you gone." She joked.

"It does but I know the feelings are mutual." I groped her ass and smacked it even harder this time.

She turned around to face me and put her arms around my neck. "Thank you for helping me without hesitation-."

This is a story based off of a show, P-Valley. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang