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• 14th of February •

I looked around our school ground as the field was full of heart balloons and foods stalls. I take a deep breath and walked back inside our classroom and noticed that he's not still here, I asked him last week if his coming to school for valentines but he didn't answer me. He keeps on ignoring my messages and calls and he didn't even go to school for a week and I wonder why, I know he used to skipping classes and I have nothing to do with that. All I really wanted now is him to be with me on this day, just this day.


I looked at my phone and sees a notif, it's a message from Freya.

Freya: Happy Birthday, lovely!! 🤎🥳

I smile softly as I saw her message, it's a small act but it really touched my heart.


"Where's the birthday girl!" Freya hugged me from behind as she came to the hotel early.

"Oh, hey! Someone is early!" I said with excitement.

She giggles and hugs me tightly. "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm leaving right now." She said with her sad eyes.

"What?" I frown. " Where are you going?"

"I have this school project and the deadline is due tomorrow, I can't risk it. You know I like to submit my projects early or on time." She said while fixing my dress for me.

"But today is my party." I said while pouting.

"I know, and I'm sorry because I can't stay for long."

I sighed and looked away. Zywon didn't even greet me on valentine's day and my birthday, and now this? My best friend skipping my birthday party to do her project. I just wish Zywon would come and greet me, I would really appreciate it if he did.

"Oh! I almost forgot, here." She handed me my tumbler. "I already filled it up for you, I know you don't like the water from caterings and events like this." She said with a sweet and concern voice.

"Thank you, I really appreciate this." I smile faintly, putting the tumbler down at my desk.

"Don't be so sad, I'm sure Zywon will come to greet you and dance with you." She giggled and tries to cheer me up.

I just smiled at her sadly.

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