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I rushed towards our meeting place and I wasn't so surprised when I already see him there, standing under the tree. A soft smile appeared on my lips as I approach him.

"Hey." I said with a sweet smile.

"Hey, I have something to tell you." He smile slightly.


"You're leaving?" I said with a pout.

He chuckles and gently caress my cheek, smiling.

"I have to, it's only for Christmas break and New year." He said while caressing my cheek.

"But I thought we're gonna celebrate Christmas and New Year together." I said with a pout, hoping that he's gonna stay here with me in Christmas break and New Year.

"I know, but my mother insists that I should go to the city and celebrate Christmas and New Year with her." He said trying to explain the reason of his leaving. "And besides I still have a week before I go to Manila. I will make time for you, I'm yours for the whole week." He added, hugging me tightly.

I pouted and sighed, I don't have a choice but to enjoy the week with him. Besides It's his mother we're talking about. I know his parents were separated and I don't want to take away the chance of his mother to make quality time with his son.

"Fine, on one condition." I said.

He chuckles and caress my hair. "What is it?"

"E-enjoy the holiday with your mom." I said with a slight smile.

"Of course, I will." He hugged me once again and kiss my forehead.

I sighed softly, I was going to say 'Don't fall in love with someone else' but he's not mine.


"So, he's not gonna be in town?" Freya asked as she sip on her coffee.

I nodded. After Zywon talked to me, I came up straight to Freya and here we are at the coffee shop.

"He's gonna be at the city for the holidays." I said with a sad face.

"That's a bummer, I wish I can stay here with you for the holidays." She said with disappointment.

"What? You're leaving too?" I said with a frown.

"Yeah, my mom has a reunion at the Manila and my dad has to fix some things at work." She explained.

"But.." I frown.

She chuckled and smiles. "You'll be fine, besides we still have time before we leave." She reassured me.

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