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Sucky title but I didn't have any ideas so deal with it :P

Enjoy the story anyway 0u0


3rd POV

Fester was showing the kids a book.

Fester: You see children, there's lots to learn.

He turned a page in the book.

Fester: Gangrene

Wednesday and Y/n oohed in fascination.

Pugsley: Uncle Fester, how do you know so much?

Pugsley asked Fester with a curious tone.

Fester: I've been around. I pick things up.

He replied to the youngest son.

Wednesday: In the Bermuda Triangle???

Wednesday asked, suspicion in his voice staring at his uncle with a slight raised eyebrow. Fester had started to slightly panic, Y/n noticing the panic in his eyes, she decided to help him out a bit.

Y/n: Hey Wednesday, I had noticed you seem to be into fencing. Would you mind teaching me some techniques later??

Wednesday had shifted his eyes to you as you had laid you hand on his shoulder.

Wednesday: Uh. Yea sure.

Wednesday replied as he slightly gazed into your eyes.

Fester had calmed down and gained all of your attention again.

Fester: Look children, a new chapter.

Y/n, Wednesday, Pugsley: Scabs!


Fester, Wednesday, Pugsley, and Y/n were outside, then an explosion suddenly occurred. Then the said four had jumped up from the big pile of dirt they made for coverage.

Fester: Three parts dynamite with a nitroglycerin cap. Its perfect for small holes, carports, and tool sheds.

Fester informed the three, but what none of them noticed was Mrs. Craven watching them from the window in the house.


Fester and Y/n entered Festers room to see Mrs. Craven standing there.

Fester: Mother.

Y/n: Abigail.

They both said.

Mrs. Craven: Everyone will be at the children's play tonight, correct? Y/n as much as I would love to speak to you dear, can you leave please? I need to talk to Gordon alone.

Mrs. Craven asked the goth girl gently.

Y/n: As you wish Abigail.

The said girl had left not before giving Gordon a good luck look. After she left the room, Gordon had started to tell Mrs. Craven about how he was helping the boys for their play. But of course, Mrs. Craven had gotten angry and smacked him before she stared to sooth him. And of course, were was our lovely Y/n.............. Outside the door listening to her adoptive grandmother telling Gordon, he can't go to the play.


Y/n was walking around the halls after she had left the doorway to Festers room. She had decided to be clumsy for the first time, and trip over a bump in the carpet and hit her head on a wall, not hard enough to bleed, but hard enough to leave a bruise. She was starting to get a headache from the bruise now forming, she didn't see where she was going and ended up bumping into a figure. The figure she had bumped into turned out to be Wednesday.

Y/n: Sorry.

Wednesday: What happened to your head.

Wednesday had noticed the bruise forming on her temple and slightly got worried.

Y/n: I hid my head against the wall when I tripped....

Wednesday hummed before grabbing her hand guiding him to the nearest bathroom. Wednesday sat her on the toilet seat as he grabbed ointment for her bruise and some pills for her headache.

Wednesday: Stay still while I do this.

Was all he said before rubbing the ointment on her bruise gently, making sure he didn't apply pressure.

Y/n: You know, you don't have to do this. I could have done it myself.

Wednesday: I want to......

After that It was quiet but neither of them cared and enjoyed the silence. Finally, he was done tending to her bruise, and giving her a pill for her headache.

Y/n: Thank you..

She thanked him as he stared at her. Suddenly he kissed her cheek before he speed walked out of the bathroom leaving Y/n to stand there as she felt her cheeks getting warm. She looked in the mirror and noticed that they were red.

She had gasped in realization.

Y/n: Oh no....... I, like Wednesday


Wednesday was laying in his bed staring at the ceiling thinking of Y/n. He was confused on why he helped her with the bruise and headache when he knew she could do it herself.... But he helped her anyway.......

Normally he wouldn't care if someone got hurt. But for some reason with Y/n, all he wanted to do was take care of her, he thought she should be worshipped like a god, he wanted to do the things his parents did with her. Hold her hand, kiss, hug, dance, make out. Suddenly he got up with wide eyes in realization.

Wednesday: I......I like Y/n


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd thats it for this chapter.... sorry if it seems rushed since I had to like reread my own book to see where I was and it was annoying since my computer wanted to be and ass ;-;

but hoped you enjoyyed BYE BYEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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