Gordon and Y/n

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Y/n: your name

h/c: hair color

h/l: hair length

e/c: eye color


Tulley's POV

After my meeting with the Addams, I drove my complaining wife home, and headed to my office quickly.

"Miss Bradbury! Miss Bradbury!" I called. "She's gone home Mr. Alford" I heard a voice from the couch that was in my office. I turned around and noticed and old woman sitting there. "Oh, Mrs. Craven. I was just about to call you" I had started to laugh awkwardly. "I'm certain you were." She responded coldly. "You haven't met my son Gordon, have you Mr. Alford?" I then heard a voice behind me.

"Hello." A man then appeared from behind me to beside me. He was tall, burly and pale, with curly hair. The next thing I know, I'm being picked up from my neck. "No, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on, hold on." I begged. "You have to listen to me.?" I continued as I was basically being chocked as this Gordon still had his hand still on my neck. "Do we, Mr. Alford? And why?" This so called Gordon turned me upside down against the wall. 

3rd POV

After a few minutes of Tulley being upside down, Mrs. Craven instructed Gordon to put him down, much to Tulley's relief, and Gordon's dismay. 

"We've lent you a considerable sum, many thousands of dollars. Payment due." Mrs. Craven stated firmly. "I don't have the money to repay you. I've tried everything." Tulley explained. "Oh, Gordon I want to believe him." Mrs. Craven said mockingly.

She was about to tell Gordon to, God knows what she wanted him to do, to Tulley until the door opened, a girl at the age of 16 wearing a black dress, h/c, h/l hair s/c skin with dull e/c eyes. "Are we almost done here, Abigail?" The girl said in a monotone voice.

"Not yet Y/n, we will be leaving soon darling." Mrs. Craven had told the girl as Gordon had straitened up and dropped Tulley from his grasp, again. "Mr. Alford, this is my adopted granddaughter Y/n. Y/n this is Tulley Alford." She said to the goth girl in a soft voice while the said girl stared at Tulley before nodding in acknowledgement to the scared man before turning to Mrs. Craven.

"Shall I sit in the car until you and Gordon are done." Mrs. Craven nodded at the girls words as she turned her attention turned back to Tulley, who was still on the ground. 

"As you wish Abigail." Y/n said as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. "She is interesting, isn't she Mr. Alford?" Mrs. Craven asked him still staring at him. "I didn't know you had a granddaughter." Was all he said, "Yes, I had found her after I found Gordon, she was all soaked in dirt and mud with scars all over her." She said with sorrow in her voice as Gordon looked down with a sad look at the memory. 


Y/n POV (I can smell you guys saying "Finally" lol)

I was outside Tulley's office listening to their conversation, if I will be honest, I wished Abigail left me where she found me. She always expects me to open up to her wishes and act like a stupid schoolgirl or something. But I prefer to stay in the shadows and listen then do whatever she wants me to do, like Gordon. 

After listening for awhile, I left to the car, so no one suspects I was listening to them. I guess we will be meeting new people. Great, socializing........ Someone bury me alive......


(I will be writing my author notes like this now) 

I hope you guys don't mind a goth Y/n for this story. Also, you got to meet Y/n now, how will Wednesday feel about Y/n when they meet???? We will have to find out. Hope you guys enjoyed and hope you have a great day/night/evening/afternoon. BYE BYEE!!!!!!

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