10# Rowan

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I wake up in my own bed confused.

'how'd we get here?' 

"I don't know." I stand up and look at the time.

"4.38" I step over to my closet and chuck my hoodie and sweatpants on before walking over to my door and dragging myself down the halls and out the front gates.

'Just a quick jog around the woods' when I get to the edge of the woods, I start to pick up my pace. My guts swirl around and growl in hunger as I continue. I reach into my pocket and pull out an old pack of watermelon flavored 5 gum and chuck a piece in my mouth to satisfy my stomach till breakfast.

My "quick jog" actually turned into a 2-hour jog, woops. I run back into the gates and back to my room.

" Huh, I've read the books I got from the library."

'Just go get some more.' After getting all my clothes off and changing into fresh ones I walk off with all the books I've read trying to find the moving statue. I walk past a familiar looking hallway, so I walk down it to find the statue standing tall. while setting all the books down I have a closer look at the statue. 

"How did I open it last time?" I snap my fingers once then another time. the statue makes a scraping sound as it moves out of the way so I can go down. As I scoop up the books into my hands I walk back over to the statue, walk down the steps and stop Infront of the old wooden door and push it open with my foot. I stumble into the dark library before stopping and setting all my books down on the little side table beside the door. I put my hand out and flex it, my skin turns a golden color while revealing my bones before a medium sized flame bursts out of my hand luminating my surroundings. a few candles catch my attention, so I walk over to them and light them one by one until the room is nice and light. after putting the old books away and getting new ones out to replace them, I walk up the steps and head back to my dorm.

by the time I get back its 9.07.

'We spent a while in the library.' 

"Yeah, let's go get breakfast."

after breakfast I wonder around not really going anywhere, just observing things until I feel something kick the back of my knees. I fall onto my hands and knees.

"What the hell!" i turn around to a group of random kids looking down at me and laughing their asses off.

'I'll give then something to laugh about' they go around me and walk away still giggling to themselves. 

"What was that for?" I whisper as I get off the ground and continue walking. 

I feel my knees bruising up the more I walk.

'We must have fallen hard, those assholes.' i close the courtyard doors, i walk out into the centre until i spot something weird. i see rowan, one of my classmates walking out of the school with all his things.

'i thought he went missing' 

"yeah" I scan the courtyard trying to spot someone I know.


"FUCK" my whole-body Jurks at the sudden noise.

"Stop doing that!" Ajax's has a smirk plastered on his face.

"But it's so funny watching you jump." he states. 

"Hey, do you know anything about Rowan and stuff?"

"Well, apparently Hes gotten expelled." 

"Oh why? Hes always so quiet" 

"I don't, know but sometime having telepathy can mess with your brain. He might be going a bit, you know, Koo Koo, Koo Koo" he makes some silly hand movement.

"Hey!" I slap him lightly on the shoulder. 

"don't be mean!" Rowan piles into Mrs. Weems car along with all his belonging. As I'm watching Rowan, I see a severed hand go under the car before it pulls out and drives away. 

o.o cliff hanger, sorry I haven't posted I've been caught up in school and completely forgot to update I'm so sorry. not much happend in this chapter, its just a filler anyway. bye.

loov yu :)

word count: 690

Warm Hands (Xavier Thorpe x Reader x Ajax Petropolus)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin