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I can hear someone talking but all I see is black. My head is pounding and my muscles ache. I feel weaker than I ever have before. The voice sounds far away but familiar somehow. I must be dreaming. I try to will myself back to sleep, back to a security of the dreamless black. The blackness around me fades to gray and then color starts to filter in. My eyes flutter open. Ginny is sitting beside me talking to Madam Pomfrey.

"What happened?" My voice is hoarse and weak.

Ginny's head snaps my direction and she engulfs me in a hug that might break my bones. "Oh Hermione, you're awake. Thank God!"

I look around the room, confusion written all over my face. Ginny grabs a cup of water that has a straw in it, that is sitting next to my bed and hands it to me.

Madam Pomfrey come over to check on me as Ginny starts explaining. "Apparently you passed out. I'm not sure what exactly happened, nobody does. Your clothes were soaked " she pointed at the sweater I was currently clutching in my fists, "Madam Pomfrey needed to know what has been going on with you. She knows you haven't been sleeping or eating. I came here and explain what was going on with you. It wasn't long before the boys cornered me and I had to tell them what happened. They were worried about you and knew you confiding in me. You've been out for a week."

I subconsciously gripped the sweater tighter and pulled it towards me. A small smiled crossed Ginny's lips. "How do you feel?"

"My head is pounding, and I feel a little dizzy, but for the most part I feel okay."

"I should go tell the boys you are awake."

Ginny smiled again as I nodded. She hugged me again and rushed off. The curtains were pulled back so I couldn't see who was coming or going.

I look around. There's an IV in my arm and juice sitting next to the water Ginny just gave me. I look down at the sweater. It's a Slytherin sweater. I call Madam Pomfrey over.

"Madam Pomfrey how did I get this on?"

She hesitates for a moment before responding. "It was the only thing I had to fit you that was thick enough to help warm your body. Without that, you could've gotten hypothermia and gotten worse than you already were."

"Madam Pomfrey..." I called out again. "Will you tell me when someone is here to see me. I'm expecting someone." She nodded.

"Also, Hermione, we need to talk about some things. You haven't been eating or sleeping. If you keep this up, your body will go into shock and completely shut down. This is dire. I can give you something to help with the nightmares, but if you don't start eating more, I am going to suggest in my professional medical opinion, that you start have weekly counseling meetings with the headmistress. Are we clear?"

I swallow the lump in my throat and then nod.

A little later I heard some commotion by the door. "Boys what is your rush? Is one of you injured?" I heard Madam Pomfrey ask.

"No, we heard Hermione was awake." It was Ron. My eyes grew wide.

Ron threw the curtain to the side. "Oh Hermione, are you okay? What happened?" Ron is frantic. He stops speaking just as Harry shows up next to him. Ron's eyes grow wide as he sees the sweater I'm wearing. Harry just looks like he's happy that I'm okay, like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders.


Harry puts his hand on Ron's shoulder, trying to calm him down.

"I'm not sure. I guess I passed out in the courtyard. When I woke up this is what I was wearing. Madam Pomfrey says it the only thing she had that was thick enough to keep me warm." I pull the at the ends of the sleeve on the sweater and bunch them into my hands as I wrap my arms around my body. I like that the sweater is oversized on me. It's comforting.

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