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I was sitting in the Great Hall as Professor McGonagall gave her welcome speech to all the returning and new students. I wasn't paying attention. The welcome speech is the same every year. I was so consumed in my own thoughts. I tapped my fingers on my cheek as my head sat in my hand. My eyes drifted over all the students at each of the tables. I am completely bored as my eyes lazily circle the room, that is until my eyes land on a girl with bushy, brown hair. I sit up a little straighter when I see her. The food appeared in front of all of us, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Why can't I take my eyes off her? She probably hated me and rightfully so. I had chosen the wrong side during the war, not that I had a choice, and everyone saw it at the battle of Hogwarts. I wanted so badly to walk away from Voldemort, but I was a coward who wanted my father to love me and be proud of me. I sided with him more than with Voldemort. I didn't give a damn about Voldemort, but my father did. I am surprised to see her here. I never would have thought she would return, her or her friends sitting next to her. I don't care if they hate me, but to show McGonagall that I have changed and to keep myself out of Azkaban, gaining their forgiveness would be beneficial. I notice she's not eating. The female Weasley gives her a look that she avoids as she pushes her food around her plate. I wonder if the war has affected her more that she lets on. Why should I care though? I look down at my empty plate, but my appetite was gone long before now. I look back up towards the Gryffindor table and notice Granger getting up and leaving the Great Hall. Maybe now I can try to apologize to her and hopefully she'll forgive me although I doubt it. If they forgive me, I can start to put last year behind me. I can hopefully move forward. I can hopefully show everyone in this stupid school that I'm not as bad as they all think. I can show my side of it all. I get up from my table. I nod to Blaise who was sitting across from me. We haven't spoken. Both of us still reeling in our heads about how this term might go. I notice dirty looks from everyone who looks my way. This term will be a nightmare.

I walked out of the Great Hall after Granger. She was already on the staircases heading up. I tried to keep up with her as best I could but she's quick. Suddenly she turned towards the Head Boy and Girl dorm and it made sense, why wouldn't she be Head Girl. She was the perfect choice. She's smart, a know-it-all really, and she helped lead the fight last year. Of course McGonagall would make her Head Girl. Part of me wonders if she did this so we could work things out. She hates me, probably more than anybody else in this school, there is no doubt in my mind, but if we are forced to live together all year then maybe, just maybe, by graduation, she won't. Maybe now that were both a Head she'll let me apologize and maybe this will give me a chance to show her I've changed. McGonagall is playing at something, I'm just not quite sure what exactly it is.

She stopped outside of the portrait. She seemed to not be able to go in.

"Recuperandae." I said for her to enter the dorm.

Her head whipped around to face me. She seemed shocked, I guess she didn't realize I was Head Boy. It makes sense, since I didn't know she was Head Girl. The portrait clicked open behind her but her eyes were trained on me. I could see the common area for us behind her. She didn't see it though. I watched as she wrestled with her emotions. Her face went from shock to anger and I saw the rage waging in her eyes with the rest of her emotions. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"Malfoy..." she whispered, I almost didn't hear her.

We stood there awkwardly for a moment. I rubbed the back of my neck but never looked away from her. She huffed and turned towards the dorm.

"It's you?! You're Head Boy? What was McGonagall thinking? You must've spelled her for her to choose someone as cruel and vial as you!" She began yelling as she marched into the dorm room. I followed her in, hoping she'd let me get at least a word in.

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