Oh brother.

44 2 12

*Door Bell rings*

Sanic: "I'll get it. I don't think we were expecting anyone-" *opens door*

????: "Hi"

Sanic: *immediately  closes it* "O-O"

Majin: "Who is it?"

Sanic: "Oh please no-"


Sanic: "After so long- I finally got away. WHY NOW?!"

Sink: "Who??"

Sanic: "My annoying little brother."

????: *Kicks the door open* "HI EVERYONE!!!"

Sanic: *falls down on his face* "OW-"

????: ":)"

Sanic: "Get out, Sonk!"

Sonk: "no. :D"

Sanic: *triggered*

Sonk: "I haven't seen you in so long, brother!"

Sanic: "There's a reason." *mutters*

Majin: "We didn't know you had a brother"

Sanic: "There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

Sink: "Fair"

- -

Xain: *peeks through the door to the basement*

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