Chapter 8

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Deciding that the best place to get into the air was from the entrance yard as there were no trees and benches to jump from. Somehow she knew that she did not want to be caught up in branches. So upon arrival she hopped up onto the tallest bench, stood on the table and jumped, spreading her wings wide and pushed down, using her new muscles with ease. Continuing to push down hard, she soared upwards, revelling in her newfound freedom. As she flew, her glow, just as she had known it would, dimmed and eventually disappeared. She knew however that the abilities that she had gained remained with her, and she took comfort in that. Up there, she felt like she could rule the world.
She stayed in the air for what felt like a lifetime before her wing beats became laboured. Knowing that her soaring time was over she began her descent. As she flew down she marvelled in the brilliance of her fellow inhabitants of the sky, how agile and light they seemed up here. So to try and aid herself she copied the way that they angled their wings to better catch the wind, and how they changed the position of their feathers to become more aerodynamic. Jayne was actually surprised that her feathers could move. She had always thought that it was just the wings that moved yet she could feel each feather like a single living entity. Continuing her descent she made her way slowly downwards, happier than she had ever been in her life. That was of course, before she got caught in a net and fell out of the sky.
Jayne screamed caught utterly in the tight confines of the net. She thrashed and writhed but it was no use. She was trapped. She could think of no escape. Unless... that could work. Her inner power source told her that she could control fire, so she could always burn the ropes holding her in place. But if she did that, how could she avoid burning herself. She looked more closely at the net and saw that it was made from pure steel. There was no way that she could melt through that, she thought to herself. So Jayne kept falling, whilst thinking of various plans and then shooting them down because there was always a flaw in them. She was nearing the ground now, and she could see a single man standing below her out in the school's playing fields. He was holding what looked like one of those guns you see in films that the bad guys use to capture people either in the air or just when they are running trying to escape. Guess she knew who her mystery attacker was. This was bad news. If the humans found out who she was she would be locked up in a cage, undergo millions of tests and never having the freedom of flight ever again. Even just thinking about it was torture.
She was still falling when she had the idea. Wind. If only she could create a strong gust of wind to blow her net away from the creep who was rapidly getting closer, she may have time to figure out the intensely complicated locking mechanisms of the net and make her get away. So she tried, searching deep down within herself to try and find the answers in the source of her power. There was so much to search through, so much that she could tell she wouldn't be able to find control without lots of practise. Then she caught on to something and tugged at it, knowing that this was the power that would help her succeed. So she mentally tugged harder at this power and on her physical body, she felt a wind spring up, and heard the branches and the leaves rustling and groaning. She was still looking down at the ground, which was getting ever closer when she saw something that made her grin in triumph. She was moving sideways, away from the dude with the net gun. But her happiness was short lived because she saw her new arch nemesis following her progress, somehow managing to stay underneath her. So she gave up and let her power go and dropped once more.
For some reason the fall was speeding up now, probably the gravity acting upon her. She was 10 metres away, 5 metres away, 2 metres away, 1 metre away then pain became the one thing in the universe she knew of. She was in complete agony all over, even her brain hurt, yet she couldn't scream. Not even a moan could come out of her lips, for to do that would hurt too much to do. She couldn't feel her power because she couldn't think clearly enough to know how to do it. All she could see was the green grass of the field below her. Then a new wave of agony came over her and she saw the grass disappear and was now faced by a man who was holding her up. He looked normal this man, but how bad he known how to find her. Jayne's thoughts were weak. Her head. She peered a bit more closely at the man, and saw that his ears came together in delicate points. So, he wasn't human, just like her, just like the people in her school. He smiled, noticing her observations. Then he spoke. "Hello Miss McCaide. You have something I want, something I need. And I'm here to get it." Then he smacked her hard across the face, just once, and everything went black as Jayne faded into a deep unconsciousness.

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