Chapter 1

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"Jayne, it's time to get up" called the voice from downstairs. Groggily Jayne raised her head to glance at the clock and groaned. It was 7 o'clock, and it was time to start at a new school. Her parents had recently split up, and her mother, having taken custody of her, wanted to sever all ties to Jayne's father and start a new life. So that was why 13-year-old Jayne had been taken away from her home, her friends and her school to start again in Cardiff. She didn't even understand what half the people here were saying, with their funny accent and different words. Therefore she had decided to hold a grudge, and she knew that when the time came her mum would pay, although, maybe not too much, she did still love her.
Sighing, she got up out of her bed and went through her daily morning routine. By 7:20 she was downstairs and eating a breakfast of cornflakes smothered in milk. Once finished, she sighed in discomfort, pulling at her skirt in an attempt to make it hang better but no matter what she did it was still the same horrible skirt as before. Her mum bustled into the kitchen at that moment giving Jayne a quick peck on each of her cheeks. "Jayne darling, you look gorgeous."
"I do not!" She replied in a huff. "This skirt is horrendous and the blazer is all itchy, wasn't it possible for you to find a school with a decent school uniform?"
Her mother sighed. "Jayne please, just stop. You know how hard everything has been for me recently. Just give me a break."
"Fine, whatever. I'm just going to go."
"Ok darling. See you later." Her mother sounded forlorn.
The only reply she got was the slamming of the front door.

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