Chapter 6

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That Tuesday, everything started off exactly how it had done every single school day. But Jayne knew that when she discussed what she was thinking about with her mum, a huge bombshell would be dropped. Nevertheless, she knew she had to try. She had to try and see her father. When she arrived downstairs she said. "Mum, how would you feel if I told you that I wanted to go and visit Dad?"
Her mum dropped the spoon she had been holding and yelled. "No, absolutely not. There is no way that I am going to let you anywhere near that monster, that abomination of a man. You don't know what he did to me."
"Then tell me. Please mum, you haven't told me anything as to why you split up, all I know is that it was something bad. Why don't you just tell me?"
"Listen to me Jayne, there are some things that cannot be retold, that is one of them. You just need to trust me. You are NOT going anywhere near him."
"Mum, he is just as much a parent to me as you are. Just because you got custody of me doesn't mean you have the right to keep me away."
"Yes it does Jayne, and that's final. You are staying here, and there is no way that he is coming down to our place. Do you understand me?"
"Yes." Whispered Jayne, with tears streaming down her face. But these tears were not just tears of sadness they were tears of rage. How dare her mother do that to her, all she wanted was to see her dad, was that so wrong?"
Deciding that she could not stay in the same house as her mother right now for any longer she stood up abruptly, shoved her chair back and stormed out of the room. She picked her bag up from its position in the hall and stormed out, slamming the door behind her, ignoring the pleas of her mother to come back inside the house.

Her day seemed to go in slow motion. It was if she was wondering round on autopilot. The only emotion she felt was a growing rage, even after she had mainly calmed herself down on her walk to school. The reason for this was all down to the three simple words "Are you okay?" Those words had been following her around all day. It was constant, all her friends, all her teachers, even people she didn't even know we're asking her if she was okay. It was infuriating. Even though their concern should have made her feel welcome, it just made her mad. She obviously wasn't okay, so just leave her alone! Somehow she made it till lunch without blowing up or screaming, but it was a close run thing. If one more person asked if she was alright she wouldn't be able to contain herself for long. "Hi Jayne." Said a voice to her right. It was Sophie. "Look, I know you're going to hate me for this but, are you alright."
Jayne's breath sped up and became harsher, coming out in loud, harsh noises. "Jayne..."
"Sophie, shut up, right now." Puffed Jayne. "Just shut up." Sophie shut up. Then it happened.

A glow burst out from Jayne, full of twisting colours, mainly reds, blues, greens, purples and golds. The noise in the canteen stopped suddenly as everyone turned to look at Jayne. She had a sudden pain in her back and moaned in pain as a pair of magnificent' pure white wings burst out of her. But strangely, through all of this, Jayne felt right. She wasn't creeped out, she wasn't even shocked. All through her soul, a sense of peace was emitted, and when she spoke, her voice was clear and powerful, reverberating around the whole room. "What are you staring at?" She was met with silence. "Come on people, talk. You shouldn't be too shocked considering the fact that I know that you are all fae like me. So why aren't you talking?" Again, no noise returned to her ears. Even the teachers were silent. "This is ridiculous." Said Jayne, and with her anger, the glow grew even stronger. Somehow, she knew that to get rid of the glow she had to fly, but her newfound power would stay. Although she knew she had powers, she didn't yet know what they were. But she was excited to find out. The ceiling in the canteen was too low for her to take flight. So she walked out, with everyone's heads following her, but that was the only movement that they made as she left the building.

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