When you get sick/Ill

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A/N: Say hello to the brand new girls on the team, Prinz Eugen and Warspite!
A quick reminder, I now have a discord server, it ain't much but it's honest work. Feel free to join:  

Current girls: Graf Zeppelin, Friedrich Der Große, Zuikaku, Shinano, Tirpitz, Enterprise, Drake, Belfast, Akagi, Kaga, Hornet, Bismarck, Wales, Yorktown, The Empress III, Prinz Eugen, Warspite.

---*Graf Zeppelin*---

The phone rings once more as it kept vibrating against the night's desk, Y/N tries his hardest to pull his arm to slam against the phone but it was futile, he barely moved two inches before his arm collapsed into the mattress once more. With dozens of calls missed, of who he thought was from his mom since she's the only one who insistently calls nonstop, Y/N couldn't help but have an empty feeling in his stomach sensing how the impending doom slowly approaching.

Soon enough his worst nightmares came true as the door opens, at first he thought it was Joseph ready to ruin his day but to his surprise there stood the two pair of red eyes slowly studying him. "H...Hello..." managed to spoke Y/N, although his voice was quite raspy "Hmph" a hand gently presses against Y/N's forehead, letting out a troubled sigh "So this is why you never picked up, I guess this is a fine addition... you're excused from a big scolding" although the woman seems to have horrible intentions, she lets out a smile... which surely doesn't add more panic to Y/N.

"You're burning up" she spoke calmly, pulling the blanket off to see Y/N casually sleeping in his boxers, which oddly didn't fazed Graf at all. "I might not be a great doctor but from the looks of it you have a sore throat and a fever... how did you manage such achievements?" she asked, looking hopelessly at Y/N was tried his hardest to throw her a middle finger. Seeing how Y/N didn't even try to respond Graf understood just how dire the situation was "Alright Y/N... today I wanted to take you along on a very important mission but I guess fate has other plans".

As the zeppelin vanished out from Y/N's sight he couldn't help but wonder what she was doing, for all he knew she could develop a world wide destruction at his desk and she wouldn't be aware of such thing. Soon enough the woman with a bottle in hand and a glass "Here, Gargle with it, it's warm saltwater" Y/N just gives her an annoyed look, turning on the other side "Let me sleep..." he managed to say, although with great struggle. 

Rolling her eyes she places the bottle next to him and the glass into the night desk "I advise you to do it while the water is still warm, I have to go, as I said I had other plans for you..." she grabs into the blanket before tucking Y/N in as best she could, before leaning over placing a kiss on his forehead "Get well soon, because the war stands for no one to get better and get back on their feet" with one final look behind Graf Zeppelin leaves the apartment, sighing out "I hope it doesn't turn into something far worse".

---*Friedrich der Grosse*---

With heavy footsteps echoing through the heart of Azur Lane, FDG was walking throughout the hangar area with a big worried expression across her face. Next to her stood Mainz, who decided to keep the taller woman a bit of company since the last events took a stroll on her "What's bothering you Friedrich? you can talk to me, that's why I suggested this walk in the first place" with a heavy heart FDG lets out a troubled sigh "Since Y/N got attacked by these sirens... I haven't seen him ever since".

A gentle smile plays across Mainz's lips, before pointing out at the living quarters "Well... we do have free time yeah? we've all been very busy with various missions Friedrich... come on, let's go" FDG quickly complied as she lets herself being guided by Mainz. Back in a certain bedroom little Emily was trying her hardest to get her uncle to move at least an inch, but Y/N was too busy shivering in cold while hugging a pillow "Come on uncle! you need to go out and enjoy the warmness of the sun! it has great vitamins!" but she was talking to deaf ears.

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