How they/you confess them feelings

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Current girls: Graf Zeppelin, Friedrich der Grosse, Zuikaku,  Enterprise, Shinano, Tirpit, Belfast, Drake, Akagi, Kaga, Hornet, Bismarck, Wales, Yorktown, The Empress III, Prinz Eugen, Warspite.
---*Graf zeppelin*---

     "Come on open it" Says Graf while looking at my eyes, currently lying on the couch with leg over leg "I'm scared.." I say with a shaky voice as I heard a sigh. A week ago I took my final exam of high school and today the results finally came! I told them to do it the old fashion way, so they sent me a mail. In case I failed and most likely did at math because curse it to hell, upon getting the mail I instantly knew what it was so I went to Jacob for emotional support, but he didn't gave a shit so instead I went to Graf.. all the way to her place..

     I heard some ruffling sounds as I felt a soft hand being placed on my shoulder, which startled me a bit "Come on.. you are curious to see are you not? Man up!" "What if I failed..?" I turn around to meet with these burning red eyes, but they were not hatred but worry "Give me that" she took the mail out of my hands as she sits next to me, breathing softly "You can't ignore it forever you know".

     (I'm going to use Romania's grading system which is 1 to 10)
She rips the top softly as a small paper was inside, she takes it out as I look away which made her punch my side softly as they put it, my guts most likely got turned into juice.. "The hell is this..?" I didn't even dared to look at that abomination as I hear a cough from her, not gonna work Graf.. "Well then.. I guess they grade differently huh. English 8,79. History 7,60. Math 6.84" I look at her with eyes wide open as she looks confused at me, but deep down she hides something within her heart.

     I quickly grabbed the piece of paper to look through my grades, and they were true.. she was telling me the truth. A wild smile appears on my face as I stand up, screaming as loud as I can "I PASSED THE FUCKING EXAM! KNEEL BEFORE ME YOU FUCKER THAT FORCED ME TO TAKE THE MATH EXAM!" Graf chuckled a bit as she sits up, putting her hand over my mouth "Okay.. good job.. clapping with my feet for you.. now stop yelling before-" I moved her hand away as I put my hands on her shoulders, even shaking her a little.

     "Woman I passed all of them! I'm a God!" Maybe my excitement went a bit overboard. I dived in into hugging her tightly, which earned me a cute yelp "What the fu-" I lift her up as I start spinning around with her, the german hat falling on the floor.. but to my surprise she wasn't resisting "Fucking miracles do happen!" "Put me the fuck down you comedian!" As we were spinning with Graf waiting for me to finish, a cable suddenly got tangled with my ankle as it made me fall.. with Graf on top of me.

     Not only my body got crushed but I'm pretty sure we did a small hole in the floor too. Graf groaned as she removed her head from my chest, our eyes locking with one another "I.. s-sorry Graf-" she quickly shuts me off by putting her finger over my lips "Don't ruin this moment" she says gently as her eyes sparked with a bit of joy, making me extremely confused and scared by this new side of her "So quiet.. so peaceful.." she smiles as she closes her eyes.. but out of the blue I was met with a slap across my face "I TOLD YOU TO LET ME GO, IDIOT!"

     It stang like a bitch on top of me, oh wait.. "S-Sorry.. I really didn't meant to.." she got off me and helped me up, she most likely hid her anger just to make me enjoy this moment.. so sweet of her "Can't really lie though.. I enjoyed the hug" she smiles as she sits back down, stretching her arms a bit "Come on my idiot, come sit and celebrate your victory" "I'm your idiot now?" "Always have been since two weeks ago, when you got drunk you pulled out a love letter for me".

     There's no way in hell I did that.. she pats next to her as I sit, embarrassed out of the sudden "A-And what did I say..?" "Oh you said a lot of naughty things, I should've killed you then but eh.." she yawns as pulls out her phone, messaging someone to bring her beer "But it is a love letter after all, even though you said lots of bullshit, you did say that since I appeared in your life it changed by 101%, which is odd considering many fear me".

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