How you two meet

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    Current girls: Graf Zeppelin, Friedrich Der Große, Zuikaku, Shinano, Tirpitz, Enterprise, Drake, Belfast, Akagi, Kaga, Hornet, Bismarck, Wales, Yorktown, The Empress III, Prinz Eugen, Warspite.

            ---*Graf Zeppelin*---

     "Come on Y/N let's get a drink so you can forget about all of your problems" says Joseph while casually hits my shoulder, I on the other hand just gave him a small nod as I wasn't in the mood for talking "Ya brought money with you didn't ya? you know that nothing is free in this world right, Y/N?" "Yeah yeah.. just gonna have a couple of drinks before I go back home and do my homewo-" "Oh come on pal! who the fuck does homework these days? grades don't matter boy! life does! so screw school for once and enjoy life for once!" I sigh deeply as I looked away, he always acts like this "Joseph you don't understand how important scho-" "Shut the fuck up and move!"

     Before I could do anything else he grabbed my shoulder and dragged me inside a bar, the moment we stepped inside the bar a stinging smell hit my nose, I looked around and I could only spot drunk people "Dude where have you brought me to.. you said it would be peaceful and not fucking chaotic" "Y/N my boy you have no idea how good drinks are here, one sip and you're gonna sleep outside for the rest of the night.. besides there's some good lookin' ladies around here" "Like you don't know how cruel some of them can be"

     He gives me a glare before pulling me to the bar's counter and forcing me to sit on a stool "Alright Y/N we'll start easy since you're a softie.. how does vodka sounds?" "You nuts? if I even smell that I will get drunk, I'll just take a regular beer" he rolls his eyes and called for the barman, while this monster that forces me to go on wrong paths did his business I looked around the bar some more and saw that a small fight was about to happen, just where have this mad lad brought me to.

     "Here's your drinks gentlemen" I turn back as I saw a beer in front of me and god knows what in front of Josephs "I call this.. the instaKO, why is that Y/N? it's simple! you drink all of this today, you're gonna die tomorrow, just kidding it just makes you really drunk and I really want to have fun tonight" we both picked up the glasses and collided them together "Cheers Y/N, hopefully tonight you could do.. something spicy" I roll my eyes as Joseph chugged the entire drink while I took a couple of sips from my beer. 

     As I put my pint glass back on the counter Joseph stood up while swaying to the left and right, that drink really knocked him out "Now Y/N you're on your own.. don't forget to get them ladies and most importantly to have fun~" he reaches in my pocket as he put something in it before he walked away, I sigh deeply as I turn back to my drink which I already had no will to finish "So if Joseph is already out.. now the hell can I do on my own in the middle of nowhere.." I reach for my pocket only to pull out a condom "..Dirty fucker" I look behind me and tossed it in the crowd, surely that's gonna ruins someone's night.

     After a short while I finished the beer and I was just waiting for Joseph to finish his fun with some crazy people around here, but as I was thinking what to do with my school projects which won't grant me too much of a future a somewhat serious yet sweet voice snapped me out of it "Why the hell you're here? it's clear from your expressions that you're not a drinker" I looked at my right only to see an angel with beau- like I will fucking be that kind of guy, I just saw a woman with crimson like eyes, a silky white silverish hair, she has some brown leggings with a white skirt and a black outfit.

     Even though she was the one to say something I just remained silent and kept waiting "Oh come on can't I talk with you humans? not like I'm a human myself, but I do like having conversations sometimes.. especially when I'm having the 39th beer, but hey I guess it doesn't matter since this world will come to an end sooner or later" I turn to her as she chugged the whole glass with beer, how in the world is she still sober? "What the hell do you mean by that? you don't believe in end of the world stuff now do you?"

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