Chapter 6

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The storm was incredible, the downpour was plentiful, and the thunder crashed and clapped, the waves and winds battered our ship around like a mere child's toy. Massive waves raised and fell over our ship. The crew was working as huge waves crashed into them, tying down ropes and lifting sails. I stood on the quarterdeck, feeling the rain, winds and waves hit my skin, it almost felt like home. Jack had one hand on the wheel with his other arm slung around my waist and his compass in his hand. we were back on the sea, commanding a crew but something was missing... The Pearl.

A massive wave swept Will and Gibbs back off their feet before they got back up and grabbed onto a rope, tying it down. Will looked over to the two captains who holding one another. "How can we sail to an island that nobody can find, with a compass that doesn't work?" Will yelled to Gibbs over the crashing of the wind and the waves. "Aye, The compass doesn't point north, but we're not trying to find north, are we?" Gibbs told mystically.

Jack looked down at his compass to see it pointing at Caspian again "Dear, tap the compass again for me, my hands are full." I looked down at the compass in Jack's hand to see it pointing at me. "You've already got me, love," I chuckled tapping the compass and watching it hold its point on me for a moment before spinning like crazy and pointing off in another direction, Jack looked down at the compass, and with a flick of his wrist turned the wheel before catching my lips in a quick kiss.

Gibbs hauled his way up the ship fighting through the wind and rain to us "We should drop canvas, sirs." he called above the storm "She can hold a bit longer." I called back "What's in your's heads as puts you two in such a fine mood, Cap'ns?" He asked. Jack looked down at me we smiled at each and peak each other on the lips. "We're catching up." Jack cheered. 

A few days later we were sailing for a stretch of sea filled with shipwrecks, the entire crew was looking down at the shipwrecks. "Chills the bones, how many honest sailors been claimed by this passage," Gibbs told Turner. Jack and I were up at the wheel when Mr Cotton appeared behind us silently, none of us said a word which was quite awkward. 

Gibbs headed back to work with Will following "How is it that Jack and Caspian came by that compass?" he asked Gibbs, "Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow and Caspian Nightingale before they came to Tortuga with a mind to find the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. That was before I'd met them when Jack captained the Black Pearl." he said about to take a swig from his flask.

"What?" Will asked swinging his head around in shock, Gibbs near chokes on his drink "Jack failed to mention that." Will added looking at the captains. "He plays things close to the vest now see how close he keeps Caspian, very rarely lets him out of his sight," Gibbs said now they were both looking up at the captains. "And a hard-learned lesson it was, Three days into the trip, the first mate says, "Everything's an equal share. the location of the treasure, too. So Jack gives up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack and Caspian on an island and left them to die. But not before they'd gone mad with the heat." Gibbs told. 

"So that's the reason for all the..." Will said swaying trying to imitate Jack. "Reason's got nothing to do with it." Gibbs said sitting down, "Now Will when a pirate's marooned, he's given a pistol with a single shot. One shot. That won't do much good hunting, nor to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol looks real friendly." placing two fingers to his head imitating a gun "But Jack and Caspian escaped the island, and they both still have that single shot. they won't use it, though, save on one man...Jack's mutinous first mate." Gibbs told him. "Barbossa," Will said understanding. "Aye," Gibbs agreed. 

leaning in closer, "How did they get off the island?" Will asked, Gibbs looked up at the Captains before smiling at started to spin a tale. "I'll tell ye. They waded out into the shallows, and waited three days and three nights, till all manner of sea creatures became acclimated to their presence. On the fourth morning, they roped a couple of sea turtles each lashed them together and made a raft." Gibbs told WIll excitedly. Will looked at the man for a moment "They roped sea turtles.?" he said sceptically. "Aye Sea turtles" Gibbs nodded.

"What did they use for rope?" Will asked causing Gibbs to go speechless not knowing what to say just then Jack and Caspian walked up "spinning tall tales about us again Mr Gibbs?" Caspian asked before Jack spoke up "Human hair from my back." he said causing me to chuckle. "Let go the anchor!" Jack called causing the crew to yell back and rush to lower the anchor. "Vines" I whispered to Will and Gibbs."Young Mr Turner, Caspian and I are to go ashore," Jack said. "Captains" Gibbs called rushing after them "What if the worst should happen?" he asked Jack and Caspian stared a look before Caspian turned to Gibbs "Keep to the Code." he told the other "Aye the code" Gibbs agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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