Chapter 5

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"Feast your eyes, Captains, All of them faithful before the mast, every man worth his salt and crazy to boot," Gibbs said showing the pirate captains and the blacksmith the fresh new recruits. Caspian turned to the short man "You rarely find a pirate, faithful to anything bar himself and his prized gold" he snapped before turning back to look at the men with Jack. After looking at half of the group, Will said, "So this is your able-body crew then?" He snarked. Caspian was about to snap back when Jack turned him around to face a pirate with a beautiful blue and yellow parrot on his shoulder.

"You Sailor!" Caspian snapped turning on my heel fast, pointing my sword at the sailor's throat when Jack placed his hand on my arm for me to lower my sword "Cotton, Sirs" Gibbs said telling us his name. "Mr Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?" Jack asked and we both waited for an answer after a moment of silence I snapped "Mr. Cotton. Answer the captain" when Gibbs spoke up "He's a mute, sirs. Poor devil had his tongue cut out, so he trained the parrot to talk for him. No one's yet figured out how." I looked at him suspiciously. 

Mr Cotton open his mouth and showed us the lack of tongue, both I, Jack and Turner grimaced but just before we walked off I turned to the parrot. "Cotton's parrot, same question," I ordered wanting to see if it could really talk. To both mine, Jack and Turner's Surprise the parrot replied "Wind in your sails! Wind in your sails!" we stared at the Parrot in shock "Mostly, we figure that means 'yes'" Gibbs told us. "Of course it does." Jack said before turning to Will "Satisfied?" he asked the man. "Well, you've proved they're mad," Will said annoyed. I pulled my sword on him when a dreadfully familiar voice spoke up "What's the benefit for us?" Jack and I froze on the spot before looking down the line of recruits. 

We walked towards where the voice came from, to a recruit with their hat down over their face. Jack pulled the hat up and off grimacing "Anamaria!" Jack and I said at the same time with false cheerfulness which earnt us both a hard slap in the face. Will looked down at us "I suppose you didn't deserve that either." he said asked smugly "No, that one we deserved." I said. "You stole my boat!" She yelled "Actually..." Jack tried to deflect, earning us another slap on the face. 

I quickly put my hands up to hold off any more slaps "Borrowed without permission," I said, "but with every intention of bringing it back." Jack quickly added. "But you didn't!" she snapped again. After a moment of thought, "You'll get another one." he promised, "I will." she swore shaking her fist in Jack's face threateningly. "A better one" I Jumped in defending Jack "A better one!" Jack readily agreed. "That one," Will said pointing to our ship "What one?" Jack and I asked turning to the blacksmith who nodded his head to our ship. "That one?" I growled at him.

"Aye. That one. What say you?" Jack asked Anamaria "Aye!" she cheered causing the rest of the new crew to cheer as well. As the new crew headed for the ship, I grabbed Jack's wrist "What are you doing love?" I asked confused at why he just gave her the ship "We need a crew to get the Pearl back, dear, trust me" He whispered and I nodded as Gibbs walked up to us "No, it's frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard, sirs." He said his superstitions playing up again "It'll be far worse not to have her." Jack looked up at the sky before walking off pulling me behind him as I laughed at Will and Gibbs staring off where Jack had been looking.

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