2. Wands and pets

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Y/n pov

Hagrid turns to the wall behind him and brings his old umbrella and taps the wall three times. The bricks start turning on themselves like one of those satisfying videos that I saw. The wizarding World is so strange.

I turned to look at the boy next to me. He had a pair of circular glasses and a scar on his forehead. He was in awe with the wall or the street behind it.

Hagrid starts walking towards the street telling us to follow.It was busy with people but it wasn't any different from what I was used to in the cult.

"All right now Harry you follow me we will get your books and y/n I don't know your plans but you can go off or follow me."

'I will be fine thank you, see you around then"

So Harry was his name not that will matter but I will remember it.

Harrys Pov

Another student,  least I know someone now. They looked strange I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing but their eyes were something. They were rainbows how did this naturally happen if it does it must be extremely rare.

I saw Hagrid start walking so I followed him while looking at the person walks away.

Y/n pov

I start to wander around looking at all the different things. I came across a shop that didn't have any people in it. I strolled into it, It looks old and very dusty.

"I will be there in a minute" a voice call from the rows of shelves behind the counter.

A man with an old apron comes out from up stairs.

"Here to get a wand I see well then come this way"

I follow the man to a small spacious corner as he reaches for the first wand for me to try. It was a dark oak with a vine pattern on the handle. It looked quite pretty but wasn't too special.

He tells me to pick it up and give it a flick. As I move to give it a flick the glass lamp near me explodes causing books to scatter. Now this was interesting. He takes the wand away from my hand and hands me another one .

 He takes the wand away from my hand and hands me another one

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This time the wand glows with a white aura around it. I had a good feeling about this one. The man looks at me with hope in his eyes.

"The wand chooses the wizard you know and that there is one beautiful wand take good care" 

After I had paid for the wand I left to wander once again. This time it was a pet shop. We were allowed a cat, toad or owl for school. This would help in some non human company. Being human was very boring so having a pet would be the best idea.

As I was looking through the display window and I saw two beautiful cats look at me. One was a lovely white ragdoll cat and the other was a rather skinny tortoiseshell cat. I walk into the store and ask for the cats. The shop keeper was giving the spotted cat away for free as no one had wanted him and the cat was claimed by the devil. If emotions were real it probably would have been sad but it didn't matter.

The other cat though was a bit more expensive then you would find but was always run away back to the shop to find the mistreated cat.

The person working picked the two cats up and put them in a cage for them. They looked very scared but relieved as they were together. I pay for the cats and walk back out into Diagon Alley.

 I pay for the cats and walk back out into Diagon Alley

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