27: A Little Possessive?

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Optimus woke from recharge overheating and scrambled to look around. He was in his room, his floor not purple and away from blaster fire. What? His Optics were having trouble receiving light despite being properly adjusted.

Optimus steadied himself against the wall then realized Ratchet's berth was empty. "Ratchet!" He yelped and dove out the door, right into a passer by.

"Um?" The gun metal grey mech started, "Good morning?"

Optimus paused long enough to comprehend it was a spark terror and hugged the mech. He was understandably stiff.

He let out a shaky sigh, "Where is Megatron?"

"Which one?" He asked and wiggled slightly.

"My one."

"Possessive much." He commented.

"How else would I- The evil one." Optimus corrected.

"Evil one?" He repeated, sounding a tad bit offended.

"The one lacking socially acceptable morals." Optimus corrected again.

"'Socially acceptable morals.'" He parroted back.



They were silent for a bit.

"Let me go-"

"You haven't killed anyone?" Optimus asked, he had to be sure.


"Mmm hmmm." He nodded.

"No?" Megatron said then blinked, "Have a little spark terror did you?" He started mockingly.

"No." Optimus lied and let go hastily.

"Ah ha." Megatron mused disbelievingly.

"I have not." Optimus huffed and walked off to the main room.

"If you say so." Megatron mocked and Optimus sped up his walk to get out of audial shot. He was more than relieved when he spotted Ratchet next to the generator that was struggling to free itself of the bolts.


"Good morning." He grumbled as Optimus walked over, then he shot a glare at someone behind Optimus. A quick peek told him it was Megatronus.

"I have a question for future reference." He started.

"Shoot." Ratchet said, terrible word choice really.

"Yes, exactly, if one were shot in the back-"

"With what weaponry?"

"Fusion cannon, twice." Optimus said and Megatronus turned away, probably thinking this was somehow directed at him. "And it would sever energon wires which would leak into ventilation, what would you do?"

"Argh." Ratchet grumbled, "That would be very time sensitive... So you wouldn't have enough time to tie off or weld the wires together, so you'd have to cauterize- Why?"

"Future reference, and ventilation?"

"Suck it out only after energon is contained." He grumbled as Megatron walked in, "I misplaced my wrench." He grumbled and snaked away to the Medbay.

Then Knockout caught Megatron's optic, "You could really do with a repaint." He started.



"No." Megatron repeated with a strange amount of patience.


"I do not trust your lack of ability." Megatron said as honest as ever.

Knockout gasped and prepared to argue.

"Don't bother arguing with stupid bots." Ratchet started as he walked back to the generator. "They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

At that Knockout let out a snicker and abandoned the fight while Megatron glared at Ratchet. "How is your work coming along Ratchet?" Megatron asked, this voice smooth but raspy.

"Wouldn't you like to know-" Ratchet started but cut himself off to glare at Megatronus (probably because he was staring at Optimus), Megatron joined in with Ratchet's glaring to the extent that Megatronus excused himself to get some energon.

They watched him wonder off.

"Energon." Megatron started, "What a wonderful idea." He mused and followed.

"Where are you-" Soundwave started.

"I'm getting some energon." Megatron said but no one was reassured.

Once he was out of sight Optimus decided to follow along for good measure (and for the sake of eavesdropping). He found them both in the energon storage and listened around the bend. They were speaking kaonian. A language Optimus had taught himself for the most part (for reading questionable datapads) and had refined with Megatron's help before the war.

"Well?" Megatron asked.

"Well what?"

"Is it a fetish?" He asked. Oh great, not even three sentences in and Optimus had no clue what that last word was. Hopefully he wasn't losing too much context.

"A what?" Megatronus asked.

"A fetish." He repeated.

"What is a-"

"You staring at his aft." Megatron hissed. Yea, Optimus was probably missing context.


"Optimus'." Megatron said and Optimus had all the context he needed.

"No!" Megatronus argued.

"You fancy him don't you." Megatron said in a accusing tone. Optimus didn't mean to toot his own horn but he was rather nice.

"...I- Um." Megatronus stalled.

"He's my Optimus." Megatron started. Possessive much.


"Go shag your own." Megatron hissed. What did 'shag' mean?

"No- I would much prefer-" Megatronus was tripping over words.

"He's my Opti-"

"I know that-"

"You have your own."

"I'm sure he would much prefer me over you." Megatronus jabbed back.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Megatronus said and a thick tension followed with silence.

Optimus had enough time to think about what they were saying. Ohhhh, Megatronus wants him to stay and wants Megatron to take Evil Optimus. But Megatron doesn't want to take evil Optimus because in his view nice Optimus is easier to fight! Well it's a good thing Optimus didn't lose too much context. Though he still had no idea how his aft tied into this.

"He hugged me this morning." Megatron started out of the blue. Oh come on, how does that make any sense in the argument? And why did he need to share that!?

"What?" Megatronus asked alarmed.

"Has he hugged you?"

"Um... No."

"Well there you have it." Megatron said rather smugly, as if he won the argument. Then Optimus heard him pick up the cube and leave for the door, giving Optimus enough time to hide.

Once Megatron was out of sight, Megatronus followed to the main room, leaving Optimus to mull over what he heard.

Well Megatron had a point, he need's to go back to his dimension to fight, well, Megatron and end their war. Both sides couldn't really spare resources for one another. They had to fight their own wars, as much as it bothered Optimus, he couldn't help out every dimension he stuck his digit into (did this dimension exist in a socket?). Perhaps they help out where they could but he can't be in endless dimensions all at once.

His home came first.

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