11: Plan B

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Optimus was rather pleased that that was resolved with... minimal violence. He drove back to the base after he made sure he wasn't being followed. He met with Breakdown on the way there.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I managed to convince him to leave?" Optimus said.


"Talking, I think it would be best, perhaps for future meetings to take a less hostile approach."

"You sound so much like Megatron." Miko muttered.

Optimus had to remind himself not to be offended. This Megatron was nice. "Hmpf." Breakdown started, "I took some dents, it would be best if we headed back." He said.

"Agreed." Optimus said and they drove on silently. Hopefully they had explained stuff to Dreadwing, that may stop some awkwardness. But is Dreadwing was like Ultra Magnus in his dimension, which he seemed to act like, then things will no doubt be awkward.

Why did things always have to be awkward? They started to drive into base and Optimus started to quiet his engine.

Breakdown however-

"We ran into Bumblebee." Breakdown started.

"And Breakdown beat him to a pulp!"

"Pulp?" Dreadwing asked and then eyed Optimus' alt. He blinked, he had no idea who he was and Optimus sure wasn't going to reveal himself.

Wasn't evil Optimus a tank?


"That's the nice and slightly awkward Optimus." Miko said and Optimus managed to slowly drive around Dreadwing. Dreadwing blinked in confusion.

Optimus finally made it to the crates and drove behind them, a silence pursued. Oh Primus, he should have just transformed. A fight would be better than an awkward silence!

"Yes yes, very complicated." Soundwave started, "Interdimensional travel exists- spoiler alert. Knockout-"

"Yes?" He asked smoothly.

"Paint him purple-"

Optimus transformed- Purple? Purple! Not purple- anything but purple! Lavender maybe-

And Dreadwing had his guns out. It was a good thing these crates gave good cover.

"Did you not hear a single thing we said?" Miko asked with a huge huff. "He's a good guy! From another dimension!" She added as Megatron got Dread to lower his guns.

At this point, Optimus just wished he could shrink to the size of the ant and scurry off.

"He-" Dreadwing started.

"-Is decent." Soundwave finished before Megatron could get a word in. Megatron cast him a glare, as if to disagree. "I don't want you to embarrass yourself." Starscream whispered a him, once again, not meaning for Optimus to hear. But he did.

Soundwave quickly got to explaining as Knockout walked up to Optimus with a can of paint. He recoiled, "Actually I-"

"Oh please, so little faith?" Knockout asked with a grin, "It's the perfect shade! Nice sheen-"

"I have a better idea." Optimus started.

"Oh?" Knockout blinked, "Does it involve me painting you purple?"

"No- We could try a different idea- I have a idea."

"You must really hate purple huh?" Knockout teased.

"I-yes." Optimus paused, "Bumblebee would be easy to manipulate-" He cut himself off, he hated those words.

"Ohhhhhh, juicy!" Knockout started and clapped his servos together

Then Optimus noticed Dreadwing was staring at him, a rather hostile stare. But the Fowler started scolding him for making such a dramatic entrance.

"So what was your plan?" Soundwave asked, popping out of nowhere along with Megatron.

"I may be able to convince Bumblebee to cooperate." Optimus started, "The way I see it, he is rather disloyal much like the Decepticons-"

Megatron raised a ridge.

"-In my dimension." Optimus added hastily.

"Okaay." Soundwave nodded.

"If I were to give him a sence of importance-"

"Manipulate him." Megatron deadpanned.

"Don't use that word." Optimus cut him off.

"What word?"

"The 'M' word." Optimus muttered.

"But it is what you'd be doing." Soundwave pointed out.

Optimus shook his helm, "No no. I would be temporarily misguiding him." He corrected, the other two exchanged glances and shrugged.

"So no purple?" Knockout asked.

"No, that would be rather distasteful." Megatron muttered and Soundwave let of a grown.

"So you..." Soundwave thought on it.

"Convince Bumblebee to work with me, help me-"

"But how?" Megatron asked.

"Well, perhaps he would like to help a nice Optimus from another Dimension get back home to slaughter Decepticons." Optimus explained.

"What would he gain? I mean, you 'slaughtering Decepticons' in another dimension is nice and all, but for him that would be a bunch of hassle with no reward." Soundwave pointed out, rather sourly.

"Perhaps he could come along, he'd be better off." Optimus said.

They all blinked, "You want to invite-"

"Yes, but if his actions are aggressive, by all means, I'll leave him here for you to deal with." Optimus added, more bitter than he intended.

"Lovely." Knockout muttered and looked down at the buckets of paint. He let out a little sigh.

"So you're going to lie to him?" Megatron asked.

That's high coming from you, Optimus thought bitterly, "I'm giving him a chance."

Soundwave just snorted and nodded, "Must really not want to be purple."

Optimus let out a huff, he had to draw the line somewhere.

"Hmf, well' I'm gonna do some more explaining for Dreadwing." Soundwave started, "Could you take care of the generators?" Soundwave asked them.

"Nope." Knockout waltzed off to Breakdown.

"Uhh." Megatron and Optimus started.

"Great, take Laserbeak, he'll make sure you don't screw up. Again." Soundwave ejected Laserbeak and he landed on Megatron's shoulder.

"Where's the tool box?" Megatron asked.

"Already there." Soundwave shouted back.

They headed off for the generator. Optimus was trying to decide if he liked the silence between them or not.

"So..." Megatron started. Now it was an awkward silence, great. "Are you any good with mechanics?" He asked.

"If I were, I wouldn't be here." Optimus said.

"Hmm, here we are." They stopped and got to examining the frizting Generator.

"Is it supposed to be making those sounds?" Optimus asked as it flickered.

"No." Megatron said briefly as Laserbeak handed him a wrench, "Ep, give me a moment." He muttered and got out his glasses.

Optimus tried not to stare, he really did.

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