14: A Prime Suspect

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Optimus wasted a good five seconds just standing there. So much for not wasting time. Where was he even going to go? Where was he dark matter generator? This was all happening so fast! Optimus reminded himself his and Megatron's breakup happened fast and this wasn't nearly as bad.

Okay- step one, stop standing there.

Optimus started walking in a random direction.

Step two, find someone who would know where the dark matter generator is.

Who would know where the dark matter generator is? Ratchet is a medic and mechanic here and Wheeljack dabbles in weaponry. So one of those two. Ratchet's been here longer, so find Ratchet. Where would Ratchet be? The Medbay. Hopefully?

Step three, find the Medbay.

Where's the Medbay? Optimus took a little time to look around, It's not like they'll have signs- Never mind. Optimus took a quick glance at the information sign but was caught of guard when Ratchet walked in.

He looked the same, save for the red optics and purple instead of orange paint. He seemed to be waiting for Optimus.

"Yes?" Optimus asked with a bored tone.

"The Prisoner has been uncooperative, with your permission, I would like to utilize the cortical physic patch." He said.

Prisoner? Prisoner! Oh primus! His plan is in shambles-

Side quest, help the prisoner? But who's the prisoner?

Side Quest step one, find out who the prisoner is.

"Take me to him." Optimus instructed. Ratchet bowed slightly and turned, Optimus followed at a brisk pace. Maybe this Ratchet is loyal like Evil Soundwave? They eventually made it to a door, labelled 'medbay'. It opened to reveal a bot strapped down on a berth, he looked up.

Ratchet?! Ratchet was here! Nice Ratchet was here! Optimus somehow managed to keep a straight faceplate while he internally freaked out.

Nice Ratchet however- He scowled. "I told you, I don't know." He grumbled, clearly trying his best to keep it together.

Side Quest step two, save nice Ratchet.

Optimus walked forward. "Hmm." He started, trying to keep up the act. "Release him." He instructed.

Evil Ratchet frowned before retracting the restraint. Nice Ratchet tried to run but he could barely hold his weight. So he scowled.

"I'll take him to the Brig." Optimus started under evil Ratchet's confused frown. "Try some alternative methods before you do anything drastic." He added.

"Hmm." Evil Ratchet started, "I've been experimenting with the ship's ground bridge sytem, so far I haven't had any results on inter dimensional travel- however we have found a pocket dimension, of sorts." He said.

"Pocket Dimension?"

"Induviduals who passed through described being unable to interact with others, however they were able to see and hear them." He explained. So they found the shadow zone.

"Noted." Optimus said briefly and roughly grabbed nice Ratchet by the arm.

"Ep!" Ratchet let out a grunt of pain and Optimus almost apologised. He roughly dragged him out of the medbay. "I don't know." He repeated again as they walked. Optimus kept spotting cameras so he stayed quiet and headed in the direction of the brig, he knew where that was.

He got to a hall without cameras and paused. "Okay." He started and Ratchet looked up with a frown. "Are you alright?" He asked.


"Can you transform? Your health status?" Optimus asked.

"I don't know what you're playing at." Ratchet frowned.

"I'm from your dimension." He started lowly, "I'm in disguise, trying to find the dark matter generator." He explained.

Ratchet snorted in disbelief.

Does he really have to prove his identity to him. "You stubbed your ped a day before the ground bridge malfunctioned and swore loudly." He tried.

Ratchet raised a ridge. "What was the swear word?" He asked.

"I am not saying it!" Optimus whisper shouted and Ratchet seemed to perk up.

"How did you even- This whole fiasco wasn't supposed to happen!" Ratchet started.

"I stuck my digit in the wrong hole." Optimus said briefly. "Where would they have a dark matter generator?" He asked.

"Engine room most likely- why?" Ratchet started as Optimus helped him walk.

"It could help us get back home." Optimus started.

"Okay, where's the other Optimus?" Ratchet asked.

"Fighting Megatron." He said and peeked around the corner before realising he didn't need to sneak around.

"Oh great, he's here too." Ratchet grumbled as he stumbled. "Do you know where we are going?" He asked.

"No." Optimus said honestly. "But I think it's this way." He added.

"How did you even- your paint-"

"Is terrible, I know- I had help." Optimus said as they made it into a large room. "We're here."

"Okay..." Ratchet started, "What does it look like?" He asked. Optimus' shoulders sagged, he hadn't thought that far ahead. "And how do you know you need it?" Ratchet asked as they looked around.

"Soundwave said so-"

"Soundwave?!" Ratchet shrieked as Optimus spotted a tank sized machine. It was conveniently labelled, 'Dark matter generator'.

"Found it." He grunted and Ratchet came over, starting to detach it from the ship. Optimus took some time to get a better look at him. He definitely needed rest. Ratchet hadn't looked this battered for a long time. "Are you alright?" Optimus asked again.

He let out a grunt, "How are we going to get off the ship?" He asked.

"Are you alright?" Optimus repeated.

"No, but I will be." Ratchet grumbled. "It's detached." He finally said and got up wobblily.

Optimus sent Soundwave a signal, requesting a bridge. It popped up soon enough.

"Who does that belong to?" Ratchet asked suspiciously. Optimus glanced over at him, they were pressed for time, he'll explain later.

"Ahh." He started, "Friends?" He suggested.

Ratchet scowled and tried helping him with the generator. But Optimus could manage, he hefted up the generator and they slowly walked through the bridge.

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