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Two Months Later

The first several weeks of
school had gone by in a blur.

There were times I wanted to pinch myself, finding it impossible to believe I was pursuing my dream.

Then there was San.

He'd taken me under his wing from the very first day, hooking me up with all the places I could keep my meds and introducing me to the medical staff and RAs.

Never had I felt more welcome.

Seeing him dance made me glad my specialty wasn't classical ballet because there would be
no question who'd be better.

Chances were, he'd be fielding offers from major companies before the school year was out.

After being done with my mash-up of jazz and random hip-hop moves, I sat and watched San leap high into the air, toes pointed, legs splayed wide
before one final pirouette brought an end to the piece he had thought up on the fly.

"I don't know where you come up with some of those moves
of yours but man that was awesome."

San flashed me a brilliant smile then grabbed the towel that
hung over the barre.

As he wiped off the sweat covering him, he ambled over and sat down next to me, chest heaving, platinum hair stuck to his head.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, twinkle toes. So, tell me. Handling the chaos so far?"

We'd taken to hanging out in one of the rehearsal rooms every Saturday afternoon, dancing
any thing we felt to release the pressure valve that was this school.

No critiquing, no teachers
telling you your technique was wrong, just feeling.

And hell, it had been a
welcome relief.

I'd had little time to focus on anything else except work and school, after which I'd head
back to the apartment for a
hot shower, a little study time,
and dinner with Tae before crashing for the night.

In addition, there'd been preparations for the annual cross-divisional course.

Musicians and composers from
a few nearby performing arts schools collaborated with our teaching staff, creating elaborate pieces involving all students, which then culminated in an
end of year performance in front of families and faculty alike.

The school also happened to be making the collaboration into a documentary and while we'd grown used to the experience
of being filmed, trying to do everything to perfection while rehearsing our roles was amplified when the camera
crew were around.

"So far, yeah but I get tired sometimes." I felt a lazy smile make its way across my face.

As frantic as my life now was,
I'd been finding it impossible
to recall a time where I'd felt
this happy.

Well, as far as my dance career was concerned, anyway.

My love life had been a different story.

Jimin's avoidance of me at work making it clear he wanted nothing more than a
professional relationship.

"Anyone who tells you they
don't find this place exhausting
is a liar and that's without needing a spoonful of sugar to help the insulin go down unlike some special folks I know."

San laughed and I gave him
a sideways shove before
downing the rest of my water.

The man always found a way
to be upbeat about not only
his diabetes but just about everything else.

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