Author's Note

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Sorry I dragged my feet with this one.

Dex was pissing me off and once I went down that road of him irking me, I needed to set him straight. Well, "straight" likely not the best word here. (Dex better be glad that he wrapped his junk early on with all his dirty deeds bc I was about ready to go medieval on his ass with a little help from syphilis)

Anyway, I didn't want to belabor the relationship since I wasn't feeling it. Irene could do better is all I'm saying.

So if you DID read the Choices books you may be like WTF why didn't you make it more clear that this was a prequel. My bad. It's a prequel.

And if you didn't read them and you got this far (virtual high-five), then you may want to check them out. Their daughter enjoys some dirty deeds, too.

I've been trying to set up for a third Choices novella but only if you guys think it makes sense. Polly wasn't as exhausting as her mother. And I would mind seeing how she deals with 2 toddlers, 2 husbands, 2 dads, a 40-something-son-in-law, and a partridge in a pear tree 🎶.

And if you like age gaps, I have another one brewing...totally not of the Choices world, but definitely of the dirty sex world (a world with just a gutter where my mind lives lol).

Thanks for your patience and don't be mad that this one is done. 😊

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