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My sleep that night was restless. I kept running over the entire conversation in my head. From the accusations of me somehow bullying him and making bets, to the overt sexual advances.

I didn't see Dex for another few days. I felt awkward when I did. He was with another woman. This time she had black hair. He sent her scurrying to get up as I started to walk past.

"Irene," he said as I was passing in front of him. I stopped, but didn't want to look over. "Come here."

It wasn't a particularly friendly invitation. But I did as he asked and stood before him. He put down his book and hooked an arm on the back of the bench.

"Sit down," he commanded. I looked at the bench recently abandoned by the dark haired woman who was still lingering. Then I sat beside him with my books still clutched to my chest. "I thought we were going to be doing some tutoring."

He knew we weren't. What was his angle? And why was this woman still here?

"You said I didn't need help in Econ..." I started.

"But you seemed interested in some other tutoring the other night," he said suggestively. He looked up at the other girl. "Samantha, what were we learning today?"

"It's Sheila," she corrected the man that clearly had a mental block for names. "You mean what we did in the janitors closet?" She asked with a huge grin and a giggle. Ugh. I really didn't want to know.

"Exactly. Perhaps you can inform Irene here about what you did in there," Dex suggested, not taking his eyes off me.

"Well, he was helping me...take his dick down my...throat," she smiled at the memory. "He is very insistent on the proper technique."  She seems almost giddy. How disgusting. "I'm just honored he is teaching me." Honored? Where does he find these women?

"That will be all, Samantha," Dex said, dismissing the poor girl. She walked off without another word. She must have known her time was up. "See? Lots of tutoring going on."

"Um yes, I don't think that I would..." I tried to say. I'm sure I was blushing like crazy.

"You could do it, Irene. You are much smarter that these other ...sluts," he said placing the hand he had draped on the bench to my shoulder.

"I don't want to do those kinds of things with you, Dex," I lied, but made no attempt to move his warm hand.

He laughed a little. "You know, Irene, I am like a human lie detector. Last night you lied to me quite a bit. Mainly about things like being a friend..."

"I did want to be your friend!"

"Lie. But you also weren't lying when you said you didn't purposefully treat me poorly. So it makes me think it was something completely different," he said rubbing his chin. "Did you have a crush on me, Irene?"

"No!" I said quickly.

"I can tell by your breathing, heart rate, posture...that you are lying. In fact, I think you actually liked me...very much," he leaned toward me. His arm went behind my back on the bench. His lips near my ear. "Did you like me, Irene? Do you still like me?"

"No! No I don't," the words came out forced. I could just feel his breath caress my skin and the vibrations from his voice tickle my ear.

"But you did. Huh? I want you to come over again tonight, Irene," he said as the hand that was behind my back went up to my ponytail and pulled my head back a little. "Wear something nice. Put in a little effort - like last time. I think we need to continue our tutoring."

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