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I cautiously opened the door to an irate Dex. He pushed through and marched to my bedroom, leaving me to close the door behind him. He was in his formal clothing like he came straight from the event. When he came back out his head was on a swivel, scanning the apartment.

"Where is that little fucker?!" He asked with venom underlying his voice.

"Who? Brad?" I asked. What the heck was wrong with him?

"Yes, Brad," he hissed, mocking Brad's name.

"I assume at home. He dropped me off about thirty minutes ago," I said calmly. At least one of us needed to have ourselves together.

Before I had time to think, Dex was sitting on my sofa with me straddling his lap. He had trapped my arms behind my back and me pulled tight to his chest.  I could hear his heavy breathing beside my ear as he calmed himself.

"So, Brad is your boyfriend now, huh?" Dex growled in my ear, as his grip slightly tightened on my arms. The anger in his voice was very evident.

"Dex..." my voice sounded like a plea for him to be calm. "H-he and I are just dating. And what if he was..."

"If he was what?  If he was your boyfriend?" He laughed a little maniacally. "Well, I planned to punch his pretty little face to the back of his head tonight. So likely something like that!"

I was a little taken aback by his possessive tone. He clearly couldn't be jealous. "But you and I aren't an item or in a relationship..."

"Oh yeah?" He asked and somehow managed to pull me closer. "If I'm not mistaken, you have wanted me since high school..."

"But that doesn't..." I tried.

"Silence, Irene!" He nearly shouted. "You can't basically offer yourself up to me for years, Irene, without thinking I would eventually come to collect my prize."

I knew he had figured out my crush a while ago. But I felt like this accusation was more. Like he knew I would have jumped in bed with him at the drop of a hat.

"H-how l-long did you know?" I asked quietly.

"How long?" He scoffed. "Forever, Irene. You did a really shitty job hiding your 'please fuck me' feelings. Some people thought we actually were fucking even back then. I would always play it off like I could never be interested in someone like you. But I was just waiting. Biding my time. And along comes Brad..."

"I don't get it. We could have dated months ago..."

"You know what I want, Irene," he said with a menacing tone.

"Oh. I see," I said. "Wait, no!  I don't see. What do you want, Dex?" I was so confused.

"Well, for starters, I plan to be your first.  That wasn't my original plan, but once I found out it was an option...well, it seemed like quite a treat."

"I would have..."

"Oh! I know!  But that isn't all, Irene.  And you know that as well. But you just had to be so fucking stubborn!" Dex bit down on my ear sharply.  Then he spanked my ass...hard.

"Dex!" I shouted out as the two sensations traveled my body.

"I gave you space, Irene, but at some point you need to figure out where you belong!" He spanked my ass again. 

"I-I can't do some of the things you want...!" And he spanked me again.

"Why? Because it isn't conventional?" He spanked me again. "Because your mother wouldn't approve?" Another blow. "Because..."

"Because I'm not a slut!" I shouted out and he almost immediately grabbed my hair. He pulled back my head so I could look into his eyes. He had his glasses on, so some of the intensity seemed sharper.

"Irene!" He fisted my hair tighter. "You are my slut! Mine!  What do you not understand about that?"

I tried to shake my head. "You wanted to share me..."

"So fucking what, Irene?!  Don't you want me?!" His jaw was clenched in anger and...hurt?

"Yes, but not at the risk of my morals and reputation!" I tried to make clear. "I liked you and wanted you because you were the smart, nerdy boy, not this manwhore or whatever!"

"I'm not that boy, Irene! I was never just that boy! I have certain needs that you should want to explore!" He seemed so frustrated. Like he couldn't explain himself for me to understand him.

"I don't get it, Dex. Why couldn't I be enough?!" I wanted to cry. He keep talking like he cared for me. Like he possessed me. But he insisted on this point.

"Fine!" He said releasing me and getting me off his lap. He stood, turning to look down at me. I could feel the sting of tears in the corner of my eyes. Was he going to leave again?

Dex ran a rough hand through his hair, pulling at the ends. "Professor Hilliard asked me to come to his office Freshman year. 'Asked' really isn't correct. More like 'told' me to come to his office.  I was worried he would give me a bad grade. But it wasn't like that."

Dex paced a little in front on me. I wasn't sure where this was going.

"Johnathan, he uh... exudes this ...confidence. This power and control. He truly drew me in. He sat at his desk like a conqueror. And I was his to conquer. See, uh, he likes women and men," Dex stopped his pacing and looked at the ceiling. "He uh...told me to pull out my cock."

I gasped a little. Was this some sort of story of abuse or something? Did he make him do this for a grade?

"It wasn't like that...I wanted to...please him. But uh it wasn't what he expected. My cock that is. See, he figured that since I wasn't very confident or popular with the ladies, that I must be not very...well endowed. In fact, he wanted that to be the case. He prefers them... small. Gives him a sense of... power..."

"But you are very..."

"Exactly. Anyway, we began an unusual relationship. I not only serviced him... sexually, but in exchange he helped me with my confidence. Taught me how to make women to do as I wanted... sexually. And how to do it... well."

"Do you...do you care for him?" I asked hesitantly.

"Irene, it's not that simple..."

"It's okay if you do," I said, still a little surprised that Dex may be bisexual. "Love is love and all."

"He is...he's my master," he said, almost reluctantly. "It sounds stupid. I'm not even gay. Or bi. Anyway, I am his, just as much as you will be mine."

"So it is some sort of BDSM thing?" This was so new to me.

"Kinda. Yeah I guess. I am basically his slave. But he wants more for me romantically and sexually. I mean, part if it is to see jealousy in my eyes. He says to help me grow and have the future I desire. A future he sees himself being a part of. Especially now that he knows what I want," he tried to explain, giving me a pointed look.

"Me?  You want me?  But as a condition, he needs to be somehow involved?" I asked seeking clarification.

"Yes. Basically," he said, pulling on the tie he still wore. "I want what he gives me...and you."

"What does he give you?" I asked. I felt my question was stupid, but it had to be more that just some power exchange.

"I uh, do care for him. And he cares for me. He uh, does things that make me better. I'm more focused and making better grades. And I like all of the sexual aspects," he finally stopped playing with his tie. "I like what he does to me...sexually."

"Oh. So are you're...gay?"

"No, Irene. I clearly like women. This isn't all for show," he laughed a little as he gestured between us. "I even said as much. I'm not gay or even bi, really. I like him but it's not just because he's a man. It's just him. I can't explain. Anyway, I just thought you would be a little open minded."

"You didn't tell me any of this. How could I be open minded?!" And I still wasn't sure how open minded I could be.

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