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At this point, I wasn't too sure I should be crushing on Dex.  I mean he definitely had the smart guy vibe going, but now there was something else. Clearly a rude something else.

But more like a control. Like he knew a little more of his value. Yet, not all of it.

I typically would have dressed the same way as normal, but I figured a little effort wouldn't hurt. So I put on some nice jeans and a light sweater. Swiped on some lip gloss and mascara, and called it a success.

The apartment complex was actually not far from mine. It was nice and a common residence for undergraduates.

I was so nervous knocking on his door. This could go sideways really fast and I wasn't mentally prepared for my five year crush to go away yet.

He opened the door after a minute and walked away without so much as a 'hi.'  Great start so far!

I followed him inside. "Hey, Dex. Glad you could..."

"We will study here," he said throwing down an old text book on his kitchen table. He then pulled out a chair and sat with a sprawl.

I sat myself at a nearby chair, and pulled my books from my school bag. I went to the correct location in my text book and the last section of notes. "So, we were going over supply..."

"Irene," he interrupted.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered.

"Why are you here?" He asked staring at me with a cold gaze.

"I think we discussed this..." I said smiling until he slammed down his hand and leaned toward me.

"Irene," I wish he would stop saying my name. It made my insides clench. "You don't need help. And I know you can't stand me..."

"What?" Where did this come from?

"Oh please, Irene! Like you don't remember constantly staring and teasing me! Jesus, it was as if you had a bet going with someone," he accused. Then he sat back again and tapped the table with his finger. "I hope you lost it."

"I didn't have a bet going. Good God," I couldn't believe that he thought I was trying to be mean to him when it was just the opposite. "I wanted to be friends..."

He laughed a harsh, angry laugh. "Uh huh. Friends?  Sure thing." He stroked his lower lip as he eyed me. It was as though he could read me, or he was trying to figure me out. "Why?"

"I don't know. I thought you were interesting," I said. It wasn't a total lie. Interesting in a I want to marry you kinda way.

"Wow, you are good," he tapped his lip twice, then leaned on his elbows again. "Was it the fact that I was an outcast?  Or that I was an honor student?  It could be because..."

"You were different. I don't know. But I do need tutoring," I replied, changing the subject.

"Mmhm," he grabbed my notebook and paged through. "It seems to be all here. Well documented. Without any indication of confusion."

"I still don't..."

He slammed his hand down on the open notebook and pushed it back toward me. "You know, Irene. I think you are here because you want to win another bet."


"I heard a nasty rumor about me," he said as he stood. "You will never believe what they said. Can you guess, Irene?" He was now standing behind my chair. His over 6' frame leaning over me from behind. His hands on the table as his mouth hovered near my ear.

"N-no," I lied. He was way too close.

He lifted a hand and moved a lock of my hair behind my ear. "No?  That's no fun," he tsked and then draped my hair over my shoulder to expose my neck. "I would have you guess, but I doubt you could."

My heart was beating a mile a minute. What on earth was he getting at?

"Shall I tell you, Irene?  It is a very nasty rumor." His finger ran down my neck.

"Okay," I gulped as I stayed still, trying not to react while chills wracked my spine.

"I hear that people say I am sexually promiscuous," he said as his finger traced back up but this time over my pulse. "Isn't that silly, Irene?"

"Mmhm," I couldn't speak. I literally could not open my mouth.

"I thought so, too," he said as he slid the same finger over my shoulder. "The most silly part is how I like to use women. Use women?! Me?"

He continued to move his finger so that it pushed my sweater and bra strap off my shoulder. I quickly moved my opposite hand to my upper arm.

"How could I use women, Irene? Why would these women let me?" His finger moved back up my shoulder to my collar bone, then traced it so his hand was at the base of my throat.

"I-I don't know, Dex," I nearly whimpered.

"Exactly," he then pulled back his finger. "I wondered the same thing." The hand he had used to trace my neck and shoulder, now took my hand from the table. He moved it back behind me to where he stood.

"But it turns out that women would do just about anything for," he place my hand on his jeans. I felt the telltale ridges of a zipper, but mainly I felt his hard cock. "A large cock."

I gasped. But I couldn't pull my hand free - I wasn't even trying. His hand moved mine over his erection, pressing it hard.

"You're a woman. Is that theory true? Hm? It's not based in science."

"I-I don't know," I couldn't think. The only thing on my mind was where my hand was being pressed and the words dripping from his lips.

"No? You've never begged for a big dick before, Irene?" He asked as his heated breath got closer to my ear. "I would have thought you would have begged the entire football team in high school. Likely on your knees."

"N-no," I really need to go. My body was becoming too aroused by this Dex doppelgänger.

"I'm sure..."

"I'm a virgin!" I shouted hoping he would take mercy on my innocent self.

But his hand only pressed mine harder to his cock. It was as if the words didn't douse his fervent display, but added fuel. "Did you come here tonight to give that to me, Irene? Your virginity? Or is this still a bet?"

"No!" I said as I tried to pull my hand back, but he kept it in place using his strong grip.

"A shame really. I thought you came to see if the rumors were true," he said as he released my hand. "You don't want to be used, Irene? Like the women in the rumors?"

I just shook my head. I wished he would stop saying my name. It sounded like a promise of something wicked each time.

"Hmm, but I guess you confirmed one of the rumors. Right? What did you learn, Irene?" His hand went around my throat, tipping my head back a little. "Tell me."

I screwed my eyes shut. I didn't want to say the words. But I felt his fingers tighten. "T-that you have a...big cock," I said falling over my words.

"Yes, you did learn that. Now...I suggest you go before I own and destroy your virginity," he said letting go of my throat and stepping back.

I packed my things like a mad woman, my eyes fixed to the table and my belongings. I rushed toward the door. But before I shut it behind me I looked back.

He was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk tugging his lip. He must have really enjoyed my discomfiture. Asshole!

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