Chapter 30: Leaving Feast

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"Well apart from your eye you seem to be in perfect health, and I can't find any reason why this happened." Madame Pomfrey explained to me.

In the chaos of everything that had happened she'd only just realized that one remaining eye had turned a deep scarlet. Of course this had happen to me before, not that I was going to tell her, but usually it would have reverted by now.

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong, but if you feel that anything is off come back as soon as possible." She told me.

I nodded in thanks to her, pocketing the small wooden case that contained my new prosthetic eye, pulling an eye patch over the empty socket and leaving the hospital wing.

Despite already having a new prosthetic eye I was still having trouble controlling it which meant almost constant headaches, and trouble walking with it in.

"How are you feeling?" Luna asked me. She was waiting outside the hospital wing, and had visited me everyday while I was in there.

"In all honesty not too bad." I said with a slight sigh. Molly had tried to come visit me everyday, although I asked Madame Pomfrey not to let her in, the same with Arthur as well. I was sick and tired with them now. They weren't even my real parents anyway.

Percy hadn't even bothered trying to visit, of course he didn't he didn't like me since I was sorted into Slytherin he would like me even less now that he knew I'm Voldemort's son.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Luna asked me. It was as if she could read my mind.

I just shrugged. "Not much to say really it is what it is."

Luna nodded at this. I knew if anyone would understand me it'd be Luna.


The rest of the month went by in a blur, most people seemed to keep their distance from me, whether that was because what I had gone through, the missing eye, or the now scarlet one I wasn't sure.

The worst thing, perhaps, was the meeting with the Diggorys that took place soon after I got out of the hospital wing.

They did not blame me or Harry for what had happened; on the contrary, both thanked us for returning Cedric's body to them, and told us they were glad we were safe. Mr. Diggory sobbed through most of the interview.

Mrs. Diggory's grief seemed to be beyond tears.
"He suffered very little then," she said, when Harry had told her how Cedric had died, I mostly sat there in silence, knowing I would only make the situation worse.

Diggory died because he was weak, simple as that.

"And after all, Amos . . . he died just when he'd won the tournament. He must have been happy."

When they got to their feet, she looked down at Harry and me and said, "You look after yourselves, now."

Harry seized the sack of gold he had won, offering it to her.

"You take this," he muttered to her. "It should've been Cedric's, he got there first, you take it —"

But she backed away from him.

"Oh no, it's yours, dear, I couldn't . . . you keep it."

I rolled my eyes, course Harry was trying to give it away, only he would so easily give up all that money. It's not like he needed it.

In the follow days I mostly avoided Gryffindor tower, I didn't really want to be up there right now and just kept to myself in the dungeons, only leaving occasionally to see Luna, or Harry Ron and Hermione.

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