Chapter 12: Imperius

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I woke up fairly early the next morning. I'd had trouble sleeping again, another dream about a graveyard.

Groaning slightly I got out of bed and sloppily dressed, not carrying that my tie wasn't fully tied, and made my way out into the castle grounds.

You alright (Y/n)?


Are you alright? You know everything okay?

"Since when did you care about me?"

Since my life relies on you not dying

"I'm alright just tired." I said yawning.

Tell me about it.

"Do you even sleep?"

One of the curses of being stuck in a teenagers head, I don't get to sleep.

"Well what do you do when I'm asleep?"

Not much, I'm just sort of there.

"Well do you get tired?"

I'll be honest I can't tell. I don't remember what it feels like to not be like this. At least this is better than the diary.

If I have to be honest in this moment I truly felt sorry for Tom, it must've been hell being stuck in a diary for fifty years, fully conscious of each and every second.

You don't need to pity me, I did it to myself, and I'd do it again... if I ever get my own body that is.

"How did you end up in the diary anyway? It's not like you just woke up there one day."

It's a long story, but yes it was my own choice... well I guess more accurately his choice.

"His choice?"

Voldemort's choice.

"Are you not Voldemort?"

In a way I am, in another way I'm not. It's confusing, even I don't understand it, I don't feel the same as I did in the diary, I have... memories, memories that aren't mine.

"Well then whose are they?"

I don't know exactly. They feel like mine, but they're just not right.

"You're not make much sense Tom." I said sighing.

You ever remember something that you don't know where it came from? Like it's someone else's memories yet they seem like they're yours.

"No I-" I stopped mid thought. "No I do, sometimes I have these memories, almost of a different life-"

A life you never lived.

"You know what I'm talking about then?"

I think I do.

"It's almost like they're memories from a different me."

We sat there in silence for a moment. The sun was fully in the sky now.

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