Chapter 16: Photographs

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I followed Harry and Ron into the room, I could feel that both of them were furious with what had happened.

Strangely I wasn't that upset about it, I mean she is a mudblood—What am I talking about? Of course I'm furious about it.

I shook my head slightly, trying to clear my mind I had know idea where that idea had come from. My head was aching slightly as though there was something shaking inside of it.

I thought for a moment, as I sat down at our usual table, that Ron was going to sit with us again, but instead he turned and sat down with Dean and Seamus instead, leaving me alone with Harry.

On the other side of the dungeon, Malfoy turned his back on Snape and pressed his badge, smirking. POTTER STINKS flashed once more across the room.

"Antidotes!" said Snape, looking around at us all, his cold black eyes glittering unpleasantly. "You should all have prepared your recipes now. I want you to brew them carefully, and then, we will be selecting someone on whom to test one. . . ."

I saw that Snape's eyes met Harry's, and I knew what was coming. Snape was going to poison him. I simply shrugged at that thought, if anything it meant one less competitor.

And then a knock on the dungeon door broke me out of my thoughts. What the hell was going on with me today?

Colin Creevey edged into the room, beaming at Harry, and walked up to Snape's desk at the front of the room.

"Yes?" said Snape curtly.

"Please, sir, I'm supposed to take Harry Potter and (Y/n) Weasley upstairs."

Snape stared down his hooked nose at Colin, whose smile faded from his eager face.

"Potter has another hour of Potions to complete," said Snape coldly. "He will come upstairs when this class is finished. Weasley you're free to go."

Colin went pink.

"Sir — sir, Mr. Bagman wants him," he said nervously. "All the champions have got to go, I think they want to take photographs. . . ."

"Very well, very well," Snape snapped. "Potter, leave your things here, I want you back down here later to test your antidote."

"Please, sir — he's got to take his things with him," squeaked Colin. "All the champions —"

"Very well!" said Snape. "Potter — take your bag and get out of my sight!"

I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder as Harry got up, and followed suit, before we headed for the door. As we walked through the Slytherin desks, POTTER STINKS flashed at us from every direction.

"It's amazing, isn't it, Harry?" said Colin, starting to speak the moment I had closed the dungeon door behind us. "Isn't it, though? You being champion?"

"Yeah, really amazing," said Harry heavily as we set off toward the steps into the entrance hall. "What do they want photos for, Colin?"

"The Daily Prophet, I think!"

"Great," said Harry dully. "Exactly what I need. More publicity."

"I'm sure you can't get enough of the spotlight Potter." I sneered at him, Harry just glared at me.

"Good luck!" said Colin when we had reached the right room. I knocked on the door, barely waiting a second before bursting into the room.

We were in a fairly small classroom; most of the desks had been pushed away to the back of the room, leaving a large space in the middle; three of them, however, had been placed end-to-end in front of the blackboard and covered with a long length of velvet. Five chairs had been set behind the velvet-covered desks, and Ludo Bagman was sitting in one of them, talking to Rita Skeeter a journalist for the daily prophet.

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