A Nervous Feeling.

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*over the course of the next few days you tried to move around more by yourself. Yes you were in pain but you couldn't keep letting Tex take care of you, that wasn't fair.*

*You decided when you woke up to go downstairs only to be greeted by Alfredo, only this time he wasn't hateful. He seemed genuinely worried about you*

Alfredo: "are you okay? Can I help with anything?"

You: "I'm fine, *you give him a smile trying to hide the pain your in* just wanted a glass of water."

*He watches you as you walk into the kitchen to see Babi sitting at the table*

You: "I never thanked you for sitting with me. I owe you one."

Babi: "your safe, that's what matters."

*You give her a smile and she hugs you like she hadn't seen you in years even tho she checked on you everyday*

You: "and thank you junior, without you.. *he grunts almost as if he didn't wanna hear about it again* just listen, please. What you did I can never repay you for..*you start to cry softly and they both notice* you guys are the only family I have and I..I love you guys."

*Seeing you cry makes junior stand up and hug you softly like he's trying to comfort you. You hug him back knowing that he understood and that made you smile like you hadn't in years.*

Babi: "do you have any family?"

*You give her a soft smile unaware that tink and Tex are listening on the other side of the wall*

You: "I did, I had amazing parents and a big brother kinda like tink, he was an ass but he had a big heart. Juniors actions are just like his, always wanting to protect me."

Babi: "where are they now?"

You: "gone, *you wipe tears away* they passed away a little over a year ago in an accident. I was 16 and all alone...it was that way up until my 17th birthday."

Babi: "what happened then?"

*You give her a loving smile*

You: "I found you guys, the first day here was my birthday. I got my wish, but not how I expected."

*You carefully reach for a cup dropping it*

Babi: "why didn't you tell us?"

*She asked well picking up the cup for you*

You: "I was scared, witch seems so stupid now. *You let out a giggle* honestly I thought about running...but I couldn't."

Babi: "why?"

You: "Because I actually found someone who cares."

Babi: "Uncle Tex?"

*You nod smiling*

You: "yes, *Tex gets closer to the wall to hear better* before Tex my only relationship was with a guy named Jack. I worked for him as a waitress, he had a temper but he never hurt me. Until he found out I was leaving, he went psycho. Told me no matter where I went he would find me, to be honest I'm still scared he will."

Babi: "did he hurt you?"

You: "no."

Babi: "then why are you scared?"

You: "Because I'm weak, I'm not like you guys. Honestly compared to all of you...I'm a no body."

*Junior gives you an angry/annoyed huff*

Babi: "but you are y/n, to us your somebody and to Uncle Tex..your everything."

*You give her a smile and hug her*

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