A Horrible Beginning.

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Julia: "Are you sure about this y/n?"

You: "no, but for the last year I haven't been sure of anything."

*You Lost your family in an accident*

Julia: "It's gonna be weird without you."

You: "just make sure the next girl knows of Jack's (your boss) temper."

Julia: "I will, you be safe y/n. *She hugs you* and good luck."

*You give her a smile and walk out*

*You've made it about halfway thru Texas with no place in mind to go when your car breaks down*

You: "Great. *You sigh* well I asked for an adventure."

*You grab your small bag only having what you needed inside of it and start walking*

*After about an hour you hear a noise in the trees beside you*

You: "he..*your voice shaking* hello?"

*You see someone but can't quite make out any features*

You: "can you help me?"

*You hear a chainsaw start up*

You: "oh god..."

*You start running but don't make I far when someone grabs ahold of you*

You: "let me go!"

*You manage to hit him I'm his groin making him drop you, but you were to weak to move*

?: "Move, I got this one"

*You barely remember being picked up bridal style before passing out*

?: "Wake up!"

*You sit up quickly and notice your in a bedroom but jump when you hear banging on the door*

?: "Breakfast!"

*Your take a deep calming breath as you hear the footsteps getting further away*

?: "You okay in there?"

*You quickly hide in the corner of the room holding your knees up to your chin trying to hold in tears*

*The door opens slowly and you see a tall man standing there but don't move*

?: "Oh darlin..*he walks over and moves your face to look at him* come on, let's get you something to eat."

*He picks you up by your hips and you quickly throw your legs around him so you don't fall*

?: "Tex I told you to leave her!"

Tex: "Shut up tink! She has to eat to!"

*The yelling makes you get as close as you possibly can to tex*

Tex: "it's okay darlin, here..*he carefully sets you in a chair at the table* let's get you something to eat."

*He steps away and all eyes are on you. You cautiously look around and spot the man who grabbed you last night and you can help but scream*

Tex: "hey, hey breathe. No body here is gonna hurt ya."

*You felt safe around tex probably because he was the only one you'd actually seen since waking up*

Tink: "eat or starve sweetheart."

Tex: "will you give her a damn minute?"

*You notice how his tone changes from concerned to angry with the comment tink made*

Tink: "your the one playing with your food."

*You look at him both confused and scared when a car pulls up with a group of friends inside of it*

?: "Hello? We just need to use your phone."

Tex: "come on, let's get you upstairs."

*He grabs your plate and hurrys up to the bedroom you work up in carefully setting you down on the bed before running out shutting the door behind him*

?: "What the hell?!"

*You hear the chainsaw start up along with screaming and cover your ears*

Tink: "boy go get them!"

*The chainsaw gets quite in the distance*

*Your door flys open and your met with a man standing there looking at you with pure hatred*

?: "Fucking psychos!"

*He grabs your throat and you barely get out what your trying to say*

You: "T...TEX!"

*suddenly the man is pulled off of you leaving you gasping for air*

?: "Let me go you freak!"

*You quickly turn away as tex stabs the man and you cover your ears once again crying hard. How could someone you felt so safe with do something like that?*

*Your brought out of your thoughts when Tex calmly touches your shoulder*

*You quickly pull away and try to run out but he grabs your waist*

Tex: "believe me darlin this was mild compared to what's happening down there. Please..stay up here until tink or myself tell you it's safe."

*Your mind is telling you to shove him and keep running but your heart knows he's right, if he could do that upstairs..God knows what the other 3 downstairs were doing*

You: "o..okay."

*Tex looks at you shocked for a minute as that's the first time you'd said something since waking up. He quickly snapped back into reality when he hears the chainsaw getting closer, he carefully sets you on the bed and puts your hands over your ears before running out*

*You couldn't help but wonder how someone who could do something like that to some could be so gentle with you*

*Once the noise stops you take your hands off your ears and carefully step over the body on the floor when he grabs your leg making you fall forward*

You: "l..let me go!"

?: "H..help me."

You: "I..I can't!"

*You see the man reach for the gun in his pocket and close your eyes unable to scream when your yanked out of his grip*

*You look up just long enough to see the man with the leather mask holding you before you run downstairs and practically jump into tex's arms*

Tex: "I've got you darlin."

*He pulls you close*

Tink: "did you get him?!"

*You see the man walk down with the body of the men flung over his shoulder*

Tink: "get her cleaned up and give her something to put on. *He looks to the leatherfaced man* go get him chopped up, we can use any meat we can get."

*As tex gets you a bath ready realty sets in you were trapped with..cannibals*

A Cannibalistic Love.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin