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{I was born into this family to bring peace and love}

{Why can't I do that..}

February 24

Wails of a new born baby can be heard from down the hall.

"It's a girl!" A doctor announced to the room as people gather around the infant.The doctor carefully washed the baby, and put it in a soft blanket as he gave the baby to its mother. Joyful tears ran down from her eyes as she looked at her daughters eyes that looked like a purple flower glistening in the sunlight.

Words can be heard from midwives as they began talking about the newborn,

"Did you see the child's eyes? Their beautiful!"

"The child looks exactly like her father"

"No! She looks like her mother"

The talking continued until one midwife asked a Question that caught everyone's attention,
"What's the baby's name?" She asked. The couple looked at each other,then at the baby, then at the midwife.
"Do you mind naming the baby..?" The mother asked. "I mean you are my best midwife and I think I should reward for being by my side for the longest."

"I'd love to. I actually had a name in mind" she explained as she looked at the baby. " How does Shinobu sound hm..?" She raised her head to the mother with a questionable face. "I think that name sounds lovey, what do you think dear" The father said and looked at his wife with a smile. "Yes I think that names perfect" she replied looking at her daughter with a sweet smile.

18 years later

As the morning sun rays came into Shinobus room the curtains were suddenly open as more sun rays came into the room and onto her face. Her eyes squinted at the brightness, she used her free arm to cover her face from the sun.

"Come on sister it's time to get up" Her older sister Kanae pull the covers off her face.

"Mmm" Shinobu mumbled and slurred something under her breath that sounded like gibberish. She sat up on her bed and let her petite legs dangle from the bed. Her sister smiled and left the room to let her get herself ready. Shinobu walked into her bathroom and turned the sink on and let cold crystal clear water gently hit her face she looked at her face and smiled 'I heard my mother say today was special..I wonder why' she thought as she shrugged her shoulders and prepared her shower. 

after 5 minutes, she took off her night clothes and got into the warm shower. Her hair looked beautiful as ever as; the water made her hair glisten. After 20 minutes Shinobu came out of the shower and out the bathroom with steam following behind her. She started getting ready she put her favorite purple dress. It had butterfly's and purple wisteria flowers, the dress looked beautiful on her as she put her hair up and walked out her room and walked down the stairs as maids and butlers bowed and made the way for her.

She joined her family at the table as the chief gave the family their food. Her sister was the first to greet her, she sweetly welcomed her

"Good morning sister" Kanae said.

Good morning sister" Shinobu said back "Good morning mother and father" she greeted her parents and sat down.

"Good morning dear" her mother replied back "I had some news to tell you about Shinobu" she put down her fork and looked at her daughter with a slightly serious expression "as you know your sister has already been married and has brought peace to our land" she said

"Yes I know mother...What's the Matter?"she asked a little anxious but she kept her composure. "Well you're gonna have to marry someone too, do you have someone in mind?"

'Shit I forgot I have to find a husband' she thought as her heart started beating slightly faster; she sighed. "No mother I haven't.." her father looked at her and spoke up. "Well you're gonna have to find one soon dear we don't wanna disappointed our ancestors do we..?"

"No I don't want to father I will look into finding a husband soon, may I be excused?"  She asked, her parents nodded, she sat up from her seat and left to the library.


Word count 764

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