Happy New Years!!

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"Darlin' we've got some pretty bad news."


You sat in front of the TV in your livingroom, watching the New Year's countdown as you talked to your mom on the phone.

"It's looking like your father and I aren't gonna make it on the flight home anytime soon. There's a blizzard over here. We're gonna ride it out in a hotel and hope we can get on one tomorrow or as soon as we can."


"We're sorry, Honey. We were trying to get on one yesterday, but they were all full."

"It's fine."

"Drink lots of grape juice for us! We left some in the fridge for you!" Your dad's voice came over the phone, making you smile.

"Yeah, you two have fun. See you next year."

"See ya, Kiddo! We love you!"

"See ya. Love you too." The call ended at that, and you were left looking at the screen left behind before it went away. You flopped back onto the couch, deflating with a pained sigh. So, you'd be celebrating alone. For the first time in your entire 16 year-old life. It wasn't exactly the happiest thing to hear from your parents after they'd been gone for over a month, and left you alone on Christmas earlier that month.

A small mew sounded at your side as Lucky hopped up onto the seat next to you. It was unfamiliar, seeing as she spent most of her time in your room. Nonetheless, it was comforting at the moment.

As much as you told yourself it wasn't that bad, you couldn't help but feel warm liquid fill your eyes. Lucky leaned into your side, somehow being great at knowing your feelings. With a short chuckle, you ran a hand down her soft fur, inviting her into your lap.

As the tears started flowing down your cheeks, a song from the year started playing over the TV. One you couldn't help but be a bit sensitive to. It made your little breakdown worse. So bad that even Lucky's tiny nuzzles couldn't help.

You became aware of how much you wanted to call Rui, but hesitated, knowing he was with his family. Regardless, you reached for your phone, wiping the tears from your face and clearing your throat so your voice wouldn't break.

"Y/nnn! Did you call to wish me a Happy New Years? Y'know it's only 8, right?"

"Yeah, no, that's not why I called," you sniffed with a friendly laugh. Immediately, your attempts at seeming alright were rendered futile.

"Darling? What's wrong? You sound like you've been crying."

And like always, that was what bursted the floodgates open again. You tried your best to not start sobbing into the phone.

"It's just... my parents aren't gonna be home again tonight..." you winced as your voice cracked, still hoping Rui wouldn't hear every bit of your episode.

"Don't worry, I'll be there soo-"

"N-no, no! You're with your family! I just wanted to hear your voice, I guess."

"Well, why not hear it in person?" You could hear him getting his coat on over the phone.

"Rui, just stay home. Your family wants to see you."

"Oh, please, I've been hiding out in my room, waiting for 11, like every year. Trust me, I don't think they'll mind spending New Years without me this once."

"Ruiiii," you whined. "You're leaving your parents in the same situation I'm in. Really. Just stay home."

Your pleads fell on deaf ears. In fact, Rui didn't even have his phone up to his ear anymore. You could hear him faintly bidding farewell to his parents and leaving through his front door.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now